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měi xiǎo shí zì jiǎn * 紧急 = jǐnjí = urgent * jué dìng shùn xù * guǎn lǐ gān rǎo * bù tuō yán * bú yào guò dù gōng zuò * máng bù děngyú yǒuxiào * duō rènwu jiù shì làngfèi shíjiān * xiūxi * lìxíng chéngxù * chóngfù de gōngzuò * * Time Management is Behavior Management 时间管理就是行为管理 Time Management Work smarter, not harder 干得多不如干得巧 TABLE OF CONTENTS Make a to-do list 任务清单 Set goals 设定目标 Prioritize 把事情按优先顺序排好 Methods for Setting Priorities 设置优先级的方法 Eisenhower Method 艾森豪威尔法则 ABC Analysis ABC法 Pareto Principle 帕累托原则 Manage distractions 管理“走神” Stop procrastination 不拖延 Don’t overwork 不过度工作 “Busy” ≠ Effective 忙不等于有效 Multitasking wastes time 多任务就是浪费时间 Take breaks 休息 Schedule tasks effectively 好做日程 I. Make a To-Do List 写任务清单 Write tomorrow’s to-do list today 今天写明天的清单 Write high priority tasks first 重要任务优先 Break large multistep tasks projects down into specific, actionable steps 分解成具体的、可操作的步骤 Set time limits 时间限制 II. Set Goals 设定目标 Specify evaluate actions 评估 Use 5 minutes before every task to decide the result Use 5 minutes after to determine if you achieved the result Evaluate your weekly progress 评估每周进步 Log your week in 15-minute intervals Record your thoughts, conversations and activities 记录 Review 1) time spent on results and 2) time wasted 评估花费时间和浪费时间 Record Evaluate Progress 评估和记录效果 III. Prioritize: Use the 50% Rule ≥ 50% thoughts and activities produce most of your results ≥50%活动产生大部分结果 Target items at top of to-do list 待办事项置顶 Set realistic goals: better to build on success than recover from failure 设定现实的目标 III. Prioritize: Hourly Self-Check 每小时自检 Ask yourself: “Is this what I need to be doing right now?” If yes, then keep doing it. “我在做的事真的需要吗?” Review weekly log for time wasted on unproductive thoughts and actions


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