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华北理工大学轻工学院 Qing Gong College North China University of Science and Technology 毕业设计说明书 设计题目:升降横移式立体车库电气系统软件设计 学 号:201124390801 专业班级:11电气8班 学 部:信息科学与技术部 指导教师:苏皓 副教授 2015年6月5日 摘 要 社会经济的不断发展带来城市汽保有量的不断增加,停率难已经成为大中型城市城区的一个越来越突出的问题。立体停车库的产生与广泛威用能够在很大程度上解决这个城市静态交通中的重大问题。论文还就立体车库的运行原理作了整体的分析,如定位原理、调速方法、速度控制、工作流程等方面。使得城市静态交通问题在最终解决上,能够更加完善。 文章先从车库的选型着手,分析了各类车库的功能特点与适用范畴。并结合静态交通规划层面来进行车库的选址策划。随后详尽地以升降横移式立体停车设备为例,讲解了电气结构与安全装备设计;提出以PLC控制为核心;确定了基于PLC的控制系统的硬件方案,详细介绍了S7-300、S7-200、交频器和通讯接口板等硬件设备的相关原理在文章的最后给出了基于,还提出了软件设计的具体目标,整体阐述了软件的主体架构,重点介绍了基本功能的原理和程序流程,并针对升降机和横移机构的运行保护作了详细说明队论方法对停车库出入口特性进行优化建模,从而获得智能停车库的流畅性优化设计。 关键词 静态交通 魔方 PLC 智能停车库 升降横移式立体停车库 Abstract Social economic development of city of steam ownership to stop rate has become an increasingly prominent problems of large and medium-sized city urban area. The generation of parking equipment and extensive from can to a great extent, solve the significant problems in static traffic in the city. Paper is made of the operation principle of three-dimensional garage also the overall analysis, such as the positioning principle, methods of speed and speed control, work flow, etc. City static traffic problems on the final solution, can be more perfect. Article first start from the selection of the garage, analyzes the functions of all kinds of garage characteristics and applicable scope. Combined with the static traffic planning level for the garages location planning. Then three-dimensional parking equipment with vertical type in detail as an example, explained the electrical structure and safety equipment design; Put forward with PLC as the core; Determines the hardware scheme based on PLC control system, detailed introduces the S7-300, S7-200, alternating frequency device and related hardware, such as the communication interface board, principle was introduced at the end of the article, and also puts forward the software design of the concret


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