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PAGE  PAGE 13 中国科学技术大学软件学院 软件工程实验项目环节 开题报告 项 目 名 称:_____基于社区的生活求助系统_____ 成 员 名 单:_______樊邵杰、王晰、张兴_______ 导 师:______________叶勇______________ 工 程 领 域:________________________________ 研 究 方 向:________________________________ 开 题 时 间:___________2015/11/12____________ 中国科学技术大学软件学院 填表日期:2015年11月12日 一、 简况 名称中文基于社区的生活求助系统英文Community-based help system项目组成员名单姓名学号项目中的分工签 章樊邵杰S紧急求助、非定向求助模块王晰S定向求助模块和数据库的建设张兴S界面UI、登录系统的设计和服务器的建设中 文 摘 要近年来随着我国城镇化建设的加快,社区模式的兴起,小区邻里之间却缺乏交流、沟通。借助iphone这个人气颇旺的智能手机平台,一款便于人们互相帮助沟通的APP应用亟待开发。 IOS最早于2007年1月9日的苹果Macworld展览会上公布,随后于同年的6月发布的第一版IOS操作系统,当初的名称为“iPhone runs OS X”。然而仅仅五年的时间,它凭借独特的设计理念、优秀的用户体验,在2011年度的WWDC(Worldwide Developers Conference)大会上,苹果公司宣布了其IOS设备已经销售了2亿台,占全球移动操作系统44%份额,目前这一数字还在不断上升。 本课题紧贴着人们的生活实际,基于IOS平台开发了一款APP,它主要通过三个模块:紧急求助(主要用于突发事件,紧急情况)、定向求助(主要用于业主、居委会和社区居民之间的沟通)和非定向求助(用于人们日常生活的方方面面)来满足社区邻里这一特定人际圈的需求。  英文摘要In recent years, with the acceleration of urbanization construction and the rise of community models,the lack of residential communication between neighborhood is becoming more and more obvious. With iphone(a popular smartphone platform)to help people communicate with each other,a mobile application needs to be developed. Apple operating system is announced as Macworld Expo on 9th Jan,2007, and then in June of the same year, it released the first version of iOS operating system, the original name for the iPhone runs OS X. However, spending just five years, by virtue of its unique design and excellent user experience, WWDC(Worldwide Developers Conference Apple Computer Global R D Conference) announced 200 million iOS devices has been sold in the year of 2011 , accounting for 44% of the global share of mobile market, and the figure is still rising. This project closes to peoples real life, based on the IOS platform developed an app, it is mainly through three modules: emergency module (mainly for emergencies), directional assistance (mainly for communicat


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