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CONNECTIVE TISSUE PROPER INTRODUCTION Connective Tissue (CT) General Features Fewer cells, more extracellular matrix No polarity Rich in blood vessles Functions: connection, support, protection, INTRODUCTION CT originates from the mesenchyme, an embryonic tissue formed by mesenchymal cells and amorphous matrix无定形基质. INTRODUCTION LOOSE CONNECTIVE TISSUE Loose Connective Tissue (LCT) – Areolar蜂窝Tissue Features: more types of cells and fewer fibers LOOSE CONNECTIVE TISSUE Loose Connective Tissue consists of Cells: fibroblast成纤维细胞 , plasma cell浆细胞, macrophage巨噬细胞, mast cell肥大细胞, fat cell, undifferentiated mesenchymal cell, leukocyte[l?k?,sa?t]白细胞. Extracellular matrix Fiber: collagenous fiber, elastic fiber, reticular fiber Ground substance LCT ? CELL Cell: 建:undifferentiated mesenchymal cell 成: fibroblast 巨: macrophage 大: mast cell 白: leukocyte 浆: plasma cell 肪: fat cell Describe the structure of a cell LM Shape Nucleus细胞核: nucleolus核仁 Cytoplasm细胞质 EM Organelles[,??g?nel细胞器 Granules [gr?nju:ls]颗粒 LCT ? CELL ? FIBROBLAST Fibroblast The most common cells in LCT LM: Flat with processes Nucleus: large, pale stained着色浅, with prominent nucleolus核仁明显 Cytoplasm: slightly basophilic[,bes?‘f?l?k嗜碱性 EM: rich in rER, free ribosomesra?b?som] and Gol. FUNCTION: synthesize fibers and matrix LCT ? CELL ? FIBROBLAST LCT ? CELL ? FIBROBLAST Fibrocyte: an inactive status静止状态 of fibroblast which can develop into fibroblast for repairing LCT ? CELL ? PLASMA CELL Plasma Cell※※ Derived from B lymphocyte LM: ovoid or round in shape. Round eccentrically-located nucleus with wheel-arranged heterochromatin. Cytoplasm is abundant and intensely basophilic. EM: rich in rER, free ribosomes and Gol. Function: synthesize and secrete分泌 immunoglobulins[,?mj?no‘glɑbj?l?n] (antibodies), taking part in humoral immunity[?mju?n?t?]体液免疫. LCT ? CELL ? MACROPHAGE Macrophage巨噬 Derived from monocyte in blood LM:Shape: irregular with short processes Nucleus: small, darkly stained


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