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词 汇 点 睛 句 型 透 视 Section B 词 汇 点 睛 1 ability n. 能力;才能 [观察] Everyone is born with the ability to learn. 每个人天生都具有学习的能力。 [探究] ability是名词,have the ability ________ sth. 意为“有能力做某事”。 to do [拓展] 同根词:able adj.能的;有能力的 Section B 活学活用 She has the ___________(able) to keep calm in an emergency. ability Section B 2 active adj.活跃的;积极的 [观察] He is an active member of the schools stamp club. 他是学校集邮俱乐部的一名活跃的会员。 [探究] active作形容词,take an active part in表示“______ ______”。 积极 参加 Section B [拓展] 同根词 Section B 活学活用 1.[2012·无锡] 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子 Audrey Hepburn was __________ (活跃的)in the film industry for nearly 40 years. 2.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 Chinese national teams were___________ (active) preparing for Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games. active actively Section B 3 knowledge n.知识;学问 [观察] Knowledge comes from questioning. 知识来自不断的提问。 [探究] knowledge作名词,它的形容词形式是knowledgeable,意为“知识渊博的”。 Section B [拓展] -able是形容词后缀,符合该构词法的词: comfortable 舒适的 comfort v. 使舒适 n. 舒适  changeable 可改变的 change v. 改变 moveable/movable 可移动的 move v. 移动 acceptable 可接受的 accept v. 接受 以-able结尾的形容词 名词/动词 Section B 活学活用 We all respect him because he is very ________________ (knowledge). know-ledgeable Section B 4 make mistakes犯错;出错 [观察] I often make mistakes in grammar. 我经常在语法方面犯错。 [探究] make mistakes/make a mistake意为“犯错;出错”,表示“在某方面犯错”要用make mistakes/a mistake ____ sth.。 in Section B [拓展] make的常见搭配有: make a living 谋生; make friends 交朋友; make faces 做鬼脸; make noise 制造噪声; make the bed 整理床铺; make money 挣钱; make a decision 做决定; make progress 取得进步; make a wish 许愿。 活学活用 他在考试中犯了许多错。 He ________ ________ ____ __________ in the exam. made lots of mistakes Section B 5 depend on取决于;依靠;依赖 [观察] But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits. 但是你是否能做好这件事取决于你的学习习惯。 [探究] depend on(=depend upon)意为“取决于;依靠;依赖”。 Section B [拓展] 符合“动词+on”结构的短语有: 动词+on Section B 活学活用 —Can you go for a picnic as planned? —It ____________ (决定于) the weather. depends on Section B


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