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摘要 “小娜”案是2004年的一个关于“三期”女职工权益保障的案例。案件的情节及所涉及的案件定性比较特殊,由此给审判工作带来很大的难度,社会影响很大,尤其是在当地女职工群体中具有一定的模板作用。案件经过仲裁委员会裁决、法院调解这么一个复杂的过程,最终画上了句号。调解这种结案方式虽然与当今我国社会文明相印证,但是与真正的法律审判精神是有差距的。 社会不断的发展,更为复杂的案件层出不穷,相对于刑法、民法等老百姓熟知的法律案件,类似女职工权益保障的案例在报纸、杂志等媒体上并不多见。在调查过程职工,翻阅一些涉及到相关问题的案例,多个案例的处理结果都不能让当事人服判息诉,更不能达到定纷止争的效果。原因有二:一是受害人、妇女保障机构、政府部门、审判机构等多方参与,关系复杂;二是关于“三期”女职工权益保障的法律法规不够完善,审理过程中特殊案例无法可依。现针对此案进行分析和思考,以求今后遇到类似案件能有所思考。 关键词:劳动法;女职工权益保障法;女职工;“三期”权益保障 Abstract Huna case is a 2004 case on the three Female workers rights protection. Circumstances of the case and the case involved a qualitative rather special, so a great deal of difficulty to trial, a great social impact, especially those with a certain template role of women workers in local communities. Case after arbitration committee ruling, the court mediation such a complex process, and ultimately put a stop to. Although this way of mediation closed today confirms our social civilization, but with the true spirit of the legal judgment is a gap. The continuous development of society, the more complex cases emerging, with respect to the criminal, civil and other people familiar with the case law, similar to the case to protect the interests of women workers in the newspapers, magazines and other media are rare. During the investigation staff, read some of the issues related to the case, the results of several cases do not allow party service contracting rate v, but can not reach Mediating indisputable effect. There are two reasons: First, participatory victims, women security institutions, government departments, agencies and other trials, the complex relationship; the second is about three women workers rights protection laws and regulations is not perfect, the proceedings in the special case of no laws . The case now for analysis and reflection, in order to come across a similar case in the future can be thinking. Key Words: labor law; women workers Protection Act; women workers III rights protection 引言: 虽然我国多部立法对女职工在孕期、产期和哺乳期(以下简称“三


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