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摘要 凭借十几年的努力,奥迪品牌已形成了目前国内最成熟、覆盖面最广、规模最大、服务水平最高的经销商网络,但市场竞争的加剧,市场占有率的下降,消费者消费意识的转变,都迫使奥迪品牌重新考虑如何才能保持十几年树立起来的领先地位,并能有所突破。由于大众汽车在中国的畅销,及大众公司对中国的坚定信心,从上世纪90 年代开始,奥迪 100 就已经在中国生产,奥迪 A6、奥迪 A4 的畅销更加使奥迪成为中国高档轿车市场的领头羊,占领了 65%的市场份额,并几乎垄断了公务车市场。一直以来,奥迪在中国“一家独大”。但随着各大品牌的进入,豪华车市场的竞争逐渐升温。奥迪、宝马、奔驰、凯迪拉克四大豪华车家族先后在中国实现本地生产,宾利、劳斯莱斯、迈巴赫、兰博基尼、保时捷、法拉利等顶级豪华车则通过在中国的授权经销商,也获得了惊人的销售业绩。当然,对于所有企图在中国这个惊人的市场里掘金的豪华车企业来说,奥迪是无法回避的竞争对手。这就逼迫奥迪品牌实现从4P到4C的转变,即要更加关注客户的需求、客户获取满足的成本、客户购买的便利性和客户的沟通。本文对这一问题进行了探讨。 关键词:奥迪,品牌营销,汽车营销 Abstract With more than ten years of efforts, the Audi brand has formed the most mature, the most extensive coverage, the largest scale, the highest level of service network of dealers, but the market competition intensifies, the decline in market share, changes in consumer awareness, the leading position are forcing the Audi brand to consider how to maintain more than ten years to build up, and can make a breakthrough. Due to Volkswagen in China of selling, and the public firm confidence in China, from the beginning of the last century 90s, the Audi 100 has been produced in China, Audi A6, Audi A4 more popular the Audi become leader in Chinas luxury car market, occupy the market share of 65%, and almost a monopoly of public service vehicles market. Since always, Audi in China alone big . But with the brand, the luxury car market competition is gradually warming up. Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Cadillac four luxury car family has to achieve local production in China, Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Maybach, Porsche, Lamborghini, Ferrari and other luxury cars in China by the authorized dealers, also achieved amazing sales performance. Of course, for enterprises of all luxury car to the Nuggets in China this amazing in the market, Audi is unavoidable competitors. This forced the Audi brand to realize the transformation from 4P to 4C, convenience and that customers need to pay more attention to the needs of customers, customer acquisit


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