年产300吨对羟基苯甲醛生产车间工艺设计 毕业设计.doc

年产300吨对羟基苯甲醛生产车间工艺设计 毕业设计.doc

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前 言 季戊四醇是由甲醛和乙醛缩合而成,在涂料、汽车、轻工、建筑、合成树脂、炸药等方面具有广泛的应用,此外,还用于医药、农药等生产。基于在山西三维有限公司实习所得,同时结合专业课的深入学习以及老师的悉心教导,我开展了对季戊四醇的车间工艺设计。 本次设计内容以甲醛、乙醛和氢氧化钠为原料经过缩合反应,得到季戊四醇混合物,在经过中和、脱醛、蒸发、结晶工序得到季戊四醇晶体,最后经过分离、干燥等工序得到季戊四醇产品。由此工艺可知,设计任务是非常庞大的,这不仅要求我们要有扎实的专业理论知识,更要有灵敏的理解感悟能力,同时要熟练掌握计算机,熟练运用画图工具,其成果包括工艺流程图、主设备图、车间布置图、物料衡算、热量衡算、工艺设备选型设计、经济核算、设计说明书的撰写、查阅英文文献并翻译等。由此可见任务极其艰巨,在设计中我多次无从下手,苦恼之极,但静下心来仔细研究、摸索,终有路可寻,虽然很辛苦,当从中所学知识及能力是无法估量的,精神上更加丰富。 本设计为初步设计,我按照设计任务书要求内容,一步一步完成,但由于经验不足,理论和实践知识不够扎实,在设计中还有大量不足之处,诚请老师给予指正。 2011年05月30日 年产300吨对羟基苯甲醛生产车间工艺设计 摘要 本设计为年产300吨对羟基苯甲醛生产车间工艺设计。对羟基苯甲醛缩写为PHB,分子式C7H6O2,,116.4- 117℃,,[,,1.129。对羟基苯甲醛是一种十分重要的精细化工原料,entaerythritol with an Annual Output of 300 Tons Abstract The design is the production process design of the workshop for pentaerythritol with an annual output of 10,000 tons. Pentaerythritol is a typical structure of four-neopentyl alcohol, also known as four-hydroxymethyl methane, and its chemical name is 2,2 - bis (hydroxymethyl) - 1,3 - propanediol, and its appearance is white powder Crystalline, odorless, slightly sweet, flammable, toxic, soluble in water, slightly soluble in ethanol, not soluble in glycerol, ethylene glycol, formamide, acetone, benzene, carbon tetrachloride, ether and petroleum ether Organic solvents. The routes used in the design process are the following: formaldehyde and acetaldehyde as raw materials, sodium hydroxide as catalyst are condensed in the condensation reaction kettle, and then they aer passed into the reactor for neutralization and removal of the tower leads to dealdehydes formaldehyde, and then part of the water is steamed through the evaporator, and then mixture is crystallized in the crystallization and receive pentaerythritol, and the drying crystal is received through the dryer, the final product can be obtained. The design elements include process design, material balance, heat balance, calculation and selection of process equipment, safety and environmental protection and economic accounting. The main results of


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