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Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Articles of Agreement 《亚洲基础设施投资银行协定》 本协定签署国一致同意: The countries on whose behalf the present Agreement is signed agree as follows: 考虑到在全球化背景下,区域合作在推动亚洲经济体持续增长及经济和社会发展方面具有重要意义,也有助于提升本地区应对未来金融危机和其他外部冲击的能力; CONSIDERING the importance of regional cooperation to sustain growth and promote economic and social development of the economies in Asia and thereby contribute to regional resilience against potential financial crises and other external shocks in the context of globalization; 认识到基础设施发展在推动区域互联互通和一体化方面具有重要意义,也有助于推进亚洲经济增长和社会发展,进而为全球经济发展提供新动力; ACKNOWLEDGING the significance of infrastructure development in expanding regional connectivity and improving regional integration, thereby promoting economic growth and sustaining social development for the people in Asia, and contributing to global economic dynamism; 认识到亚洲基础设施投资银行(以下简称“银行”)通过与现有多边开发银行开展合作,将更好地为亚洲地区长期的巨额基础设施建设融资缺口提供资金支持; REALIZING that the considerable long-term need for financing infrastructure development in Asia will be met more adequately by a partnership among existing multilateral development banks and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (hereinafter referred to as the Bank); 确信作为旨在支持基础设施发展的多边金融机构,银行的成立将有助于从亚洲域内及域外动员更多的亟需资金,缓解亚洲经济体面临的融资瓶颈,与现有多边开发银行形成互补,推进亚洲实现持续稳定增长; CONVINCED that the establishment of the Bank as a multilateral financial institution focused on infrastructure development will help to mobilize much needed additional resources from inside and outside Asia and to remove the financing bottlenecks faced by the individual economies in Asia, and will complement the existing multilateral development banks, to promote sustained and stable growth in Asia; 同意成立银行,并遵照本协定所做出的如下规定进行运作: HAVE AGREED to establish the Bank, which shall operate in accordance with the following: 第一章 宗旨、职能和成员资格 Chapter I PURPOSE, FUNCTIONS AND MEMBERSHIP 第一条 宗旨 Article 1 Purpose 一、银行宗旨在于:(一)通过在基础设施及其他生产性领域的投资,促进亚洲经济可持续发展、创造财富并改善基础设施互联互通;(二)与其他多边和双边开发机构紧密合作,推进区域合作和伙伴关系,应对发展挑战。 1. The purpo


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