
企业人力资源的危机管理研究 工商管理学毕业论文.doc

企业人力资源的危机管理研究 工商管理学毕业论文.doc

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摘 要 随着经济全球化时代的到来,企业面临着日益激烈的市场竞争,这种动荡的外部环境势必给企业带来猛烈的冲击,把企业推向危机的边缘。因此,危机管理逐渐成为企业管理者及企业管理研究者关注的重点。 但是在众多的企业经营者和危机管理的研究者当中,人们往往只是把目光投向容易让人感觉得到的财务危机,营销危机,公关危机等方面,而对于人力资源危机却没有给予足够的重视。其实,人力资源是企业在市场竞争中获胜的决定性因素,是企业应对一切风险的根本,而且绝大多数的危机是由于企业内部人为因素引起的,因此人力资源危机的管理应给与足够的重视。 本文在回顾有关人力资源管理和危机管理文献的基础上,主要分析企业人力资源管理危机的现状、产生原因,运用现代的科学技术和管理理论,结合危机管理的有关思想和方法与企业人力资源管理的诸多关键环节的可能危机,结合新的经济阶段的特征对企业人力资源管理带来的挑战,对于企业人力资源危机原因和危机预防进行探究,并就可能出现的问题提出对策。ABSTRACT With the occurrence of economic globalization, enterprises are facing an increasingly fierce market competition and this trend will impact and push the enterprise to the edge of crisis. So the crisis management is becoming the focus of the managers and researchers. But among the managers and researchers, most people pay more attention to the financial crisis, marketing crisis, public relation crises, etc, and the human resource crisis is less concerned. In fact, human resource is the most important element to win on the market and it is basic to against the entire crisis. What is more, lots of crisis is caused by the related person, so the crisis management of human resource should be paid more attention. This article in reviewing the relevant literature on the human resource management and the crisis management, the main analysis the status quo and causes of human resource management crisis in enterprise. The use of modern science and technology and management theory, combined with related risk management ideas and methods and the possible crisis of human resources management and corporate many key aspects, in light of human resources management challenges which brought about by the features of the new economic phase. I have studied the reasons for human resource crisis and the prevention of the crisis management of human resource in response. Key Words: Crisis Human Resource Management Crisis Management of human Resource 目 录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.1.1人力资源危机管理的兴起与发展 1 1.1.2人力资源危机管理的理论基础 2 1.2研究目的与意义 3 1.2.1研究目的 3 1.2.2研究意义 3 1.3研究内容与研究方法


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