汽车发电机试验系统设计 毕业论文.doc

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摘要 ,电机技术的。对电机装配质量及技术性能综合评价的重要环节,电机制造和生产的重要工序。操方法,需仪器多,。而由于测试理论的丰富、测试手段的进步、从来设备精度的提高以及自动化测试系统和电子计算机在测试中的广泛应用,电机的测试技术也确实有了突飞猛进的发展。发电机试验是利用仪器、仪表及相关设备,按照相关的规定,对电机制造过程中的半成品和成品,或以电机为主体的配套产品的电气性能、力学性能、安全性能及可靠性等技术指标进行的检验。通过这些检验,可以全部或部分的反映被试电机的相关性能数据,用这些数据,可以判断被试电机是否符合设计要求、品质的优劣以及改进的目标和方向。电机试验及检测是电机研究、生产和维修过程中不可缺少的重要环节。因此,对于从事电机研究、生产或维修的单位来说,具备一套符合要求的电机试验检测设备非常有必要。 Abstract Scientific and technological development of the generator performance and quality indicators put forward higher requirements, motor testing technology development and the development of the motor industry are closely related. Motor test of the motor assembly quality and technical performance of an important part of comprehensive evaluation is an important motor manufacturing and production processes. Conventional test equipment and method for the long operating time, the apparatus to be observed more artificial read test data and for data analysis, calculation, to a certain extent, affected the electrical test of the quality and accuracy. With the current motor design level, to further enhance the level of technology, as well as raw materials continuously improve performance motor, motor performance and quality indicators has been greatly improved. Therefore, the motor testing technology requirements are increasing. In recent years, with the level of technology progress and improving motor test test efficiency, reduce labor intensity of operators to improve test accuracy and test quality is imperative, and because extensive testing theory, advances in testing methods, and never improve the accuracy of the device and automated test systems and computer widely used in the test, the motor test technology has indeed been rapid development. Generator test is the use of equipment, instruments and related equipment, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the motor manufacturing process of semi-finished and finished products, or ancillary products as the main motor of the electrical properties, mechanical



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