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【课文精析】 quite tolerant   我们在运用形容词、动词时,往往需要用副词来强调。   表示“真正的” really   a really officious person   强调“特别,尤其是” particularly   强调“绝对的” absolutely   强调“完全的,彻底的” completely, entirely, fully, thoroughly   fairly----强调“一般般”   very ----语气程度强烈“非常”   rather----语意程度接近fairly, 注意修饰形容词和副词,特别是形容词同时修饰名词时,不定冠词的位置。   A fairly good book.   A rather good book / Rather a good book   rather too   quite---- ~ right / wrong / mistaken / sure 绝对不能用very替代。   Even really honest people…   a particularly officious young Customs Officer…   the Green Channel = the Custom Office   are made to feel guilty   madk, have, let 及感官性动词see, hear, notice, feel 用于主动语态,符合宾语不定式的to符号应该省略。但这种结构改成被动式时,不定式符号必须还原。   We heard someone come up the stairs.   Someone was heard to come up the stairs.   (On the one hand…, ) on the other hand   On the one hand we could stay and help you, but on the other hand it might be better if you went to help him instead.   hidden in his suitcase   过去分词短语作定语,修饰watches.   even if / though he has five hundred gold watches hidden in his suitcase.   looking me in the eye: 两眼直盯盯的注视着我   look sb. in the face, stare sb. in the eye = look directly at sb.   Not one of the men dared look him in the eye.   The Officer went through the case with great care. = The Officer examined the case carefully.   with great care----强调相当的仔细   in a mess:乱作一团   介词in 和名词搭配,表示一种状态   秩序井然: in good order   身体健康: in good health   心情好: in a good mood   脾气好: in a good temper   light up:喜气洋洋,容光焕发   Eg: Mashas face lit up when she saw her old friend.   His face lighted up at the small triumph.   Tom really lighted up when he saw the new biccycle.   light有两种过去分词,过去式形式:lit, lighted   但是如果运用过去分词作定语,表示被点燃的。要用lighted   一只被点燃的雪茄:a lighted cigar   点燃的火炬: a lighted stick.   介词短语--with delight “欣喜若狂的”   with和抽象名词搭配,表示内心充满了一种感情   自信地: with confidence   细心地: with care   骄傲的: with pride   欣喜若狂的:with delight   惊讶的: with surprise   pounce on:向…猛扑过去,对…大做文章   Eg: The policeman pounced


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