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参考书目 Harry L.Van Trees, Detection, Estimation and Modulation Theory,电子工业出版社 T. Schonhoff and A.A.Giordano, Detection and Estimation Theory and Its Applications, 电子工业出版社 罗鹏飞等译,统计信号处理基础——估计与检测理论,电子工业出版社 考核方式 授课方式:课堂讲授+课堂讨论 专题讲座+学生演讲 考核办法:研究报告+作业+考试(20%+10%+70%) GPS signals detection and estimation Design and implement a single frequency GPS software receiver Navigation data Pseudo-random noise sequences Carrier wave Navigation data Satellite orbit information (ephemerides) Satellite clock information Satellite health and accuracy Satellite orbit information (almanac) Bit-rate of 50bps Repeated every 12.5 minutes Pseudo-random noise sequences Spreading sequences (C/A) Length of 1023 chips Chipping rate of 1.023Mcps 1 sequence lasts 1ms 32 sequences to GPS satellites Satellite identification Separate signals from different satellites Carrier wave Signal transmission Two frequencies: L1=1575.42MHz L2=1227.60MHz C/A code on L1 Bipolar phase-shift keying (BPSK) modulation GPS signal GPS signal Important tasks of a GPS receiver Prepare received signals for signal processing Find satellites visible to the receiver For each satellite Find coarse values for C/A code phase and carrier frequency Find fine values for C/A code phase and carrier frequency Keep track of the C/A code phase and carrier frequency as they change over time Obtain navigation data bits Decode navigation data bits Calculate satellite position Calculate pseudorange Calculate position Receiver overview Prepare received signals for signal processing Receiver overview Find satellites visible to the receiver Find coarse values for C/A code phase and carrier frequency for each satellite Receiver overview Find fine value for C/A code phase Find fine value for carrier frequency Keep track of the C/A code phase and carrier frequency as they change over time 无线电干涉测量的基本方法是在两个观测站测量同一射电源发出的信号,两站间的基线长度为B 比较两站收到的信号相位,就可以确定电波从观测站1到观测站2的时延 ,从而可以求得基线长度: 在美国新墨西哥州的无线电干涉仪 导航卫星信号作为噪声射电源,利用甚长基线干涉原理进行测量,可