
数控回转工作台设计 毕业设计说明书.doc

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摘 要 本次毕业设计的题目是数控回转工作台设计。通过对数控回转工作台的设计,使大学生在步入社会之前,不仅能够设计出数控回转工作台,而且能够掌握机械设计的方法和步骤。本课题研究的主要内容包括:确定数控回转工作台的传动方案;零件设计相关计算与校核;零件图及装配图的绘制等。 对于数控回转工作台的设计,首先,进行总体方案设计,传动方案采用齿轮传动和蜗杆传动;然后进行各零件的设计与校核,蜗杆与轴采用整体式结构;蜗轮与工作台采用螺钉连接;工作台的平衡通过止推轴承来保证;箱体由箱座、箱盖和顶盖组成;最后,对各零件进行装配。 数控机床的圆周进给由回转工作台完成,回转工作台可以与X、Y、Z三个坐标轴联动,从而加工出各种球、圆弧曲等。回转工作台可以实现精确的自动分度,扩大了数控机床加工范围。Abstract The graduation project is the subject of design of CNC rotary worktable. With the NC rotary table design, making the students not only to design a CNC rotary worktable, but be able to master the mechanical design of the methods and procedures before they entered the community. The main content of this research include: determining the transmission scheme of CNC rotary worktable; part design and verification; part drawing and assembly drawing drawing, and so on. the design of NC rotary worktable, first of all, is the overall design, transmission scheme using a gear drive and worm drive; and then proceed to the design and checking of all parts, worm and shaft with the overall structure; worm gear screw connection with the table; the workbench balanced by the thrust bearing to ensure; box by box seat, cover and top cover, of which the box on the design of the round table and strengthen the tendons; finally, the assembly of various parts The circumference feed of the CNC machine tool to be completed by the rotary table, the rotary table can be used with the X, Y, and Z three axes linkage, thereby processing a variety of balls, the circular surface, and so on. The rotary table can achieve accurate automatic indexing, expanded CNC machining range. At present, the NC rotary table is mainly used for horizontal boring and milling machine and machining center. Keywords: NC rotary worktable, gear, worm, box 朗读 显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 V 插表清单 V 第一章 前言 1 1.1 本课题的学术背景及理论与实际意义 1 1.1.1 研究现状 1 1.1.2 发展趋势 2 1.1.3 数控转台的市场分析 3 1.2 数控系统发展简史 1.3 数控未来发展的趋势 微观看改造的必要性 数控化改造的优缺 6 1.6 数控回转工作台的功能 6 1.7 数控回转工作台的分类 7 1.8 数控回转工作台的工作原理 7 1.9 数控回转工作台的组成 8 1.10 本



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