
数控铣床(320mm)Y轴进给系统三维设计及加工 毕业论文.doc

数控铣床(320mm)Y轴进给系统三维设计及加工 毕业论文.doc

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目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第一章 绪 论 1 1.1 数控技术与数控机床 1 1.2 数控机床的特点及发展趋式 1 1.3 数控铣床与其进给系统 3 1.4 总体设计方案的拟定 3 第二章 机床横向进给系统机械部分计算与设计 5 2.1 脉冲当量的选择与切削力的计算 5 2.2滚珠丝杆螺母副的计算和选型 6 2.3 伺服电机的选择 12 2.4 导轨的设计及滚珠丝杠螺母副间隙消除和预紧 15 2.5联轴器的选用 16 第三章 三维实体造型设计及图纸生成 17 3.1 工具软件UG的介绍 17 3.2 造型过程 17 3.3 二维图纸的生成 20 第四章 零件的数控加工及程序编制 21 4.1 数控工艺分析和加工路线的确定 21 4.2 数控机床的选型 21 4.3定位基准、装夹方案和对刀点 21 4.4 选择刀具 22 4.5 确定切削用量 22 4.6 数控程序 23 结 论 26 参考文献 27 致谢 28 ) Three-dimensional Design And Manufacturing Of Feed Machanism In NC Mill Machine Tool Abstract These years,the economy of China is developing very fast which pushes the manufacturing industry to a new step as well as bringing great challenge,making it necessary to refresh the traditional mode of manufacture.Using numerical control(NC) machine tool in stead of ordinary machine tool is one of the important ways to reach our goals,as the fomer is faster,more accurate and more relliable.On the background of this,thanks to the powerfull three-dimensional CAX software,it is very convenient to analyse,design and produce,compared of the traditional two-dimensional method.In this paper,after careful studying of the other NC machine tools,based on pratical requriment which has been provided by our teacher,we have designed the feed mechanism(Y-oritation) of mill NC machine tool(320mm).One of the things that I’m eager to share with you is what a wonder to use UG in the process of design and shaping.With the help of UG, we can produc the engineering deawing and code for production immediently after three dimensional modeling which is a great help to the production.All in all , we can design a better machine in a shorte time. Keyword:NC Mill Machine Tool;Feed System;Manufacturing 第一章 绪 论 1.1 数控技术与数控机床 数控技术是现代制造技术的基础。它综合了计算机技术、自动控制技术、自动检测技术和精密机械等高新技术,因此广泛应用于机械制造业。数控机床替代普通机床,从而使得制造业发生了根本性的变化,并带来了巨大的经济效益。目前,数控技术已被世界各国列为优先发展的关键工业技术,成为国际间科技竞争的重点。数控技术的应用将机械制造与微电子、计算机、信息处理、现代控制理论、检测技术以及光电磁等多种学科技术融为一体,使制造业成为知识、技术密集的大学科范畴内的现代制造业,成为国民经济的基础工业。数控技术是当今柔性自动化和智能自动化的技



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