
数形结合在解题中的应用 毕业设计(论文).doc

数形结合在解题中的应用 毕业设计(论文).doc

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数形结合在解题中的应用 Application of Combination of Quantities and Spatial Forms in Solving Problems Mathematical ideology is regarded as the marrow of the knowledge of mathematics, is a kind of guidelines of mathematics and generally acceptable methods, and also is the spirit and view which play an eternal role, it can make people comprehend the true essence of mathematics, understand the value of mathematics, think and solve the problem mathematically. It can combine the learning of knowledge, the cultivation of ability and development of intelligence together organically. In this article, we mainly research the application of combination of quantities and spatial forms in solving middle school mathematics problems. In the process of math development, quantities and spatial forms are usually combined. In order to solving the mathematical problems effectively, we often combine the quantities and spatial forms to improve efficiency of solving mathematical problems. In this article, the application of combination of quantities and spatial forms in solving middle school mathematics problems is introduced based on the combination. Furthermore, we mainly discuss the ranges of literal coefficients in solving inequalities, the existence of equation roots, the inequalities problems and the problems of solving extreme values. Then the related examples are proposed for us to better understand the combination of quantities and spatial forms. The research on combination of quantities and spatial forms can arouse students learning interest, improve the skill of solving mathematical problems and develop the students’ creativity. 关键词:数形结合;数学思想;函数;方程 Keyword: combination of quantities and spatial forms; mathematical ideology; functions; equations. 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 本文研究的目的及意义 1 1.2 本文研究内容及章节安排 1 2 数形结合思想方法概述 2 2.1 数形结合的思想方法 2 2.2 数形结合思想的价值 2 3 数形结合在中学数学解题中的应用 3 3.1 数形结合在处理取值范围中的应用 3 3.2 数形结合在解决方程问题中的应用 4 3.3 数形结合在求不等式问题中的应用 5 3.4 数形结合在求解极值问题中的应用 8 4 总结 11 参考文献 12 致 谢 13 1 绪论 1.1 本文研



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