
松树体内寄生线虫种群动态关系的研究 毕业论文.doc

松树体内寄生线虫种群动态关系的研究 毕业论文.doc

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南京林业大学 本科毕业设计(论文) 题 目:松树体内寄生线虫种群动态 关系的研究 学 院:森林资源与环境学院 专 业:林学(树木与观赏植物保护) 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职 称: 教 授 二O一 一年 五 月 三十 日 松树体内寄生线虫种群动态关系的研究 摘 要:在病死松树体内人们发现有多种寄生线虫存在,研究这些寄生线虫的分类地位、它们之间的种群关系以及松树体内线虫区系的动态变化,可以了解优势线虫种群与枯萎松树之间的内在关系。本实验以分离自枯死马尾松上的四种寄生线虫为材料,通过两两混合培养在灰葡萄孢菌上的方法,比较四种寄生线虫之间的种群竞争动态关系。结果表明:在单异活体培养条件下,这四种寄生线虫的种群竞争能力由强到弱的顺序依次是:外滑刃科线虫、松材线虫、拟松材线虫、霍夫曼尼线虫。在两两混合培养至8d天时,竞争能力较强线虫的成虫数量显著高于竞争力较弱线虫;在竞争与非竞争条件下,大多数混合组中竞争能力较强线虫的成虫数量差异显著,而竞争能力较弱线虫的成虫数量没有显著差异。并且随着时间的推移,竞争能力较强线虫能完全地替代竞争力较弱线虫,但是同两个虫株混合时不同处理间的差异性显著。 关键字:松树; 寄生线虫; 种群竞争; 动态关系 Studies on population dynamic relation of parasitic nematodes in pine host Abstract:There are a variety of parasitic nematodes existing in dead pine, then we can keep abreast of the inner relationship between the dominant nematodes and withered pine through the study of the taxonomic status of these parasitic nematodes 、 population relations between them and the flora of parasitic nematodes dynamic change. This study’s main materials are 4 parasitic nematodes separated from withered Pinus massoniana, then compare the dynamic relation of the population competition among the four parasitic nematodes by mix-culture every two of them in a fungal mat. The result shows that:cultured on Botrytis cinerea , it proved Ektaphelenchus sp. was the strongest among the four nematodes, next was B. xylophilus , B. mucromatus, B.hofmani. After mix-cultured 8ds later, advantage nematodes prosopon quantity obviously is higher than the competitive power weak nematodes; In most mixed group, the advantage nematodes have significant differences between each other and the disadvantage nematodes have no remarkable difference between groups, no matter under conditions of competition or noncompetitive. Through a long time mix-cultured, the advantage nematodes can completely replace less competitive nematodes, but there were significant differences between individuals. Key words: pine;


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