
谈幼儿良好习惯的培养 毕业论文.doc

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毕 业 论 文 谈幼儿良好习惯的培养 学生姓名: 学 号: 院系名称: 教育学院 专业名称: 学前教育 指导教师: 中华女子学院山东分院教务处制 2010年 4月10 日 幼儿良好习惯的培养 摘要 “幼儿”是指3-6岁的儿童,习惯是指一个人不假思索,不知不觉表现出来的一种稳定的行为。良好习惯的形成过程就是一个人的健康人格不断发展和完善的过程。要培养一个人良好的习惯,必须从小抓起。幼儿正处于人生的初级阶段,可塑性强,自控能力差,既是养成良好习惯的关键时期,又是沾染不良行为习惯的危险阶段,如果不适时培养良好的习惯,便会错失良机,积习难改,习惯成自然。著名教育家叶圣陶说过:“教育—就是习惯的培养。”[1]培养幼儿良好行为习惯是通过对幼儿实施养成教育,全面贯彻新《刚要》《规程》,从儿童外部行为习惯上促进幼儿内部素质的发展,以保证幼儿健康的身心,培养兴趣、获取经验、启迪智慧、形成良好品格,促进每个幼儿富有个性的发展。本文着重讲述了如何培养幼儿良好的习惯。 关键词:培养;幼儿;习惯;教育 Good Habits Children Summary Child refers to children aged 3-6, used to refer to a person without thinking, unconsciously shown a stable behavior. The formation of good habits is one of the healthy personality development and improvement process. To cultivate good habits a person, from childhood. Children are at the initial stage of life, plasticity, self-control ability, is crucial to develop good habits, but also the risk of contamination phase of bad habits, if not timely to develop good habits, will miss the opportunity, old habits die hard , form the habit. Tao-known educator said: Education - that is habit. Train children good habits develop through the implementation of education on child care, fully implement the new just to , order from the external behavior of children to promote childrens development of internal quality to ensure childrens physical and mental health, to cultivate an interest for experience, wisdom, enlightenment, the formation of good character, promote the development of every young child full of personality. This article describes how to develop young children focus on good habits. Key words: culture; children; habits; Education 目录 绪论………………………………………………………………………………4 幼儿不良习惯的具体表现………………………………………………………5 2.1早晨睡懒觉…………………………………………………………………4 2.2不爱洗脸刷牙………………………………………………………………5 2.3不愿上幼儿园………………………………………………………………5 2.4偏食厌食……………………………………………………………………5 2.5乱扔东西……………………………………………………………………6 2.6偷拿东西……


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