围棋对弈系统的设计与实现 毕业论文.doc

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围棋对弈系统的设计与实现 摘 要 计算机围棋是计算机博弈研究的一个重要分支,是当前人工智能研究的热点之一,一直以来吸引着大量的研究人员,产生了较大的社会影响和学术影响。由于围棋变化复杂、棋理深奥,是一种高智能的活动,因而围棋的计算机博弈设计难度较大,同时计算机围棋热点问题的研究为人工智能带来了崭新的方法和理论。计算机围棋的研究和实现需要多门学科的知识交叉,至少会涉及到围棋、计算机、数学、生物、逻辑学、军事学、教育、心理学乃至哲学等领域,因此其发展具有重要的研究价值和应用价值。 论文主要介绍了围棋对弈系统中胜负判断与局面分析功能子系统具有的功能,论述了子系统的开发和实现的过程,同时对围棋胜负判断的主要规则、计算机围棋中计算势的几个经典模型以及计算机围棋发展的现状进行了阐述。通过Visual Basic 6.0可视化开发工具实现了围棋对弈系统,该系统具有新局、继续以前局、存当前局、设置、回手、复盘、判断胜负、显示势力、显示定式等功能,能够辅助围棋爱好者进行“人-人”围棋对弈。 围棋胜负判断与局面分析功能子系统,是围棋对弈系统的一个重要组成部分,并为“人―人”围棋对弈系统向“人―机”围棋对弈系统发展打下基础。在实现过程中,通过建立棋局的记录来判断棋盘上每一点的归属,从而确定双方地域,故能够对提掉死子后的终局棋盘进行判断胜负;通过建立棋子的影响模型、力学模型以及度量公式,将棋子向棋盘其它部分辐射的影响量化,从而判断对弈双方的影响地域。 关键词:计算机围棋;胜负判断;影响模型;势 Abstract Computer Go is an important branch of Computer Game research, and it is also an hotspot of Artificial Intelligence. Computer Go has been attracting lots of researchers and has brought remarkable social and scientific influence in the meantime. On one hand, because the moves in Go are not only manifold but also complicated, which makes it a more difficult work in Computer Go programming. On the other hand, it has brought Artificial Intelligence many new methods and theories. At the same time, Computer Go has been involved in many cross-disciplinaries such as Go, Computer, Mathematics, Biology, Logics, Strategics, Education, Psychics and even Philosophy. Consequently, its development has important research value and applied value. The paper mainly introduces the background, functions to be completed and the development procedure of the system. It presents the rules of victory judgment, the classic influence model and the current situation. The Go Playing System is built by Visual Basic 6.0 and includes many functions such as new game, load game, storage game, settings, undo, redo, victory judgment of the two sides, show influence and formulized series of moves. It can help Go enthusiasts to make competition of human-to-human. Both of the victory judgment and situation analysis subsystems are needed sections of human-to-hu


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