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如何在AIX上升级HTTPd_Web服务器 By Qian Li 如果在AIX上建立我们的web服务器,通常我们需要从系统附赠的光盘(Bonus Pack))第一步:获取资源 1 第二步:安装 2 第三步:启动服务器 6 第一步:获取资源 访问Http://主页,找到最新的sendmail版本,举例如下 Apache 2.0.45 is the best available version This release fixes security problems affecting the Windows platform described in CAN-2003-0016 and CAN-2003-0017. It also contains bug fixes and some new features. For details see the Official Announcement and the CHANGES_2.0 list. Apache 2.0 add-in modules are not compatible with Apache 1.3 modules. If you are running third party add-in modules, you will need to obtain new modules written for Apache 2.0 from that third party before you attempt to upgrade from Apache 1.3. Unix Source: httpd-2.0.45.tar.gz [PGP] [MD5] Unix Source: httpd-2.0.45.tar.Z [PGP] [MD5] Win32 Source: httpd-2.0.45-win32-src.zip [PGP] [MD5] Win32 Binary (MSI Installer): apache_2.0.45-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi [PGP] [MD5] Other Binaries Apache 1.3.27 is also available 第二步:安装 通常apache提供了简单并且丰富的安装方法,我们举例如下,请举一反三。 查看原来的httpd版本 # lslpp –l|grep –I http http_server.admin COMMITTED HTTP Server Administration http_server.base.rte COMMITTED HTTP Server Base Run-Time http_server.base.source COMMITTED HTTP Server Source Code http_server.frca COMMITTED HTTP Server Fast Response http_server.html.Ja_JP COMMITTED HTTP Server Documentation http_server.html.Zh_CN COMMITTED HTTP Server Documentation http_server.html.Zh_TW COMMITTED HTTP Server Documentation http_server.html.de_DE COMMITTED HTTP Server Documentation http_server.html.en_US COMMITTED HTTP Server Documentation - http_server.html.es_ES COMMITTED HTTP Server Documentation http_server.html.fr_FR COMMITTED HTTP Server Documentation http_server.html.it_IT COMMITTED HTTP Server Documentation http_server.html.ko_KR COMMITTED HTTP Server Documentation http_server.html.pt_BR COMMITTED H


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