香港朗文英语教材 Teaching Plans for Chapter 5《Signs we see》.doc

香港朗文英语教材 Teaching Plans for Chapter 5《Signs we see》.doc

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香港朗文英语教材 Longman Welcome to English 2A Teaching Plans for Chapter 5《Signs we see》Part A ? 课型: 新授课 教学内容分析: 本节课是《Longman Welcome to English 2A》Chapter 5 Part A 的内容,第二课时。学生在第一节课时已经初步掌握6个短语:climb the trees, walk on the grass, pick the flowers, feed the ducks, throw litter , make a noise .本节课学生主要掌握用Don’t…. 的句型去表达生活中常见的禁止做的事情。从在公园中常见的标语拓展到校园生活中禁止做的事情。学生在上学期已经掌握十多个动作单词,如; walk , run ,write , draw , skip , swim , climb , sing ,fight,…等,教师利用学生学过的动词引导学生去总结在学校生活中必须禁止的事。新旧知识相结合,激发学生说英语的兴趣,增强学生实际运用语言的能力。 教学对象分析: 学生为二年级的学生,该班的学生从一年级开始使用香港朗文英语教材,一年级时每周有7节英语课,其中一节是外教课。本学期调整为每周有6 节英语课,其中一节是外教课。学生在一年级第一学期已经掌握了26个字母的认读及书写。学生已经积累了一定量的英语单词及句子,并且能熟练拼写单词 。学生在朗读课文及课文演读没有多大的问题,也能进行基本对话。本节课在任务型教学中以轻松,活泼的气氛中帮助,鼓励学生说英语、学英语。 教学策略: 1、通过运用情景、媒体和活动等教学方式让学生主动获取信息。 2、结合课堂活动和游戏,加强学生对新、旧知识的记忆,达到新旧知识相运用的目的。 3、让学生在“任务”活动中学习英语并用英语进行交流。 ? Objectives: Language Skill: Be able to understand and to use the sentence structure: ”Don’t ….” ? Language Knowledge:To know and to use “Don’t ….” to talk about some signs commonly seen in the park, in the school and relevant rules. ? Affect and Attitude:Like to speak English and to communicate with others. To know the rules what we should follow in our life. ? Learning Targets: 1. To obtain and provide information in simple classroom situations and though activities such as interactive games and role-play. 2. To provide or find out and present simple information on familiar topics. Language Focus: 1.?????? Phrases: 巩固运用: climb the trees, walk on the grass, pick the flower, feed the ducks, throw litter , make a noise 2.???? Structure: Don’t …. 3.???? Skills: Listening reading speaking Resources: 1. teaching software 2. pictures of sentences 3.a flash 4. a picture of park 5. E-Book of 2A chapter 5 A Procedure Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities Purpose Preparation and Revision 1. Greeting. 2. Let’s sing. 1. Greeting. 2. Sing together. 1. Warming up to create a happy atmosphere of learning English. 2. Review the phrases.


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