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3 .Attention 3 .Attention 1)Sale by real goods 看货买卖:即先由买方或其代理人在卖方销售地验看货物,达成交易后,卖方即按验看过的商品交付货物,且买方不得对品质提出异议。多用于首饰、珠宝、字画等商品。 2)Sale by samples When sending samples to the buyer, the seller should keep a duplicate sample/keep sample.(保留复样) Use elastic clause(使用弹性条款) as “ Quality to be about equal to the Sample” or a “ Quality to be similar to the Sample”. (not easily accepted by the buyer) Sometimes, sealed samples are used to avoid disputes upon the quality of goods. Clarify the buyer’s rights in the S/C once the quality of the goods shipped is not in conformity with the sample. 9) Sale by name of origin, or by geographical indication 凭产地名称或地理标志买卖 E.g. Zhongmou garlic Changbaishan Ginseng Sichuan preserved vegetable Shandong onion French perfume 10) 凭说明书或图样买卖(Sale by description and illustration) 有些机器、电器、仪表、大型设备、交通工具等技术密集型产品,由于其结构复杂,无法用样品或简单的几项指标来反映其质量全貌。对于这类商品,买卖双方除了要规定其名称、商标牌号、型号等外,通常还必须采用说明书或图样来介绍该产品的构造、原材料、形状、性能、使用方法等。 System on Measures and Weights 度量衡制度 British system: pound, yd; L/T U.S. system: pound, yd; S/T Metric system: kg, m; M/T,L Int’l system of units: kg, m, second, mole, ampere, calorie, candela At a trade fair, a client may ask you ‘what’s your price for sofa’? FOB术语下买方必须负责租船或订舱,并将船名和装船时间通知卖方。若买方延迟派船,使卖方不能在合同规定的装运期内向买方交货,则由此而引起的卖方仓储、保险等费用支出的增加、延迟收款的利息损失,由买方负责。 若船只按时到达装运港,卖方因货未备妥而未能及时装运,则卖方应承担由此而造成的空舱费dead freight或滞期费 demurrage. 空舱费和滞期费 空舱费dead freight:船到装运港货物未能装船,或者是预定空间比实际装载货物所占空间大,由此造成的空舱,租船人要承担一定的费用,即“空舱费”。 滞期费 demurrage:因装货方迟交货或装船时间超过与船方约定的装船时间,造成船舶拖延应向船方支付的罚款。 4) Shipping Advice 装船通知 to take delivery of the goods to effect insurance for their goods S/C No., L/C No. namequantity of goods, Name. of vessel, Port of shipment/destination ETA… 11种贸易术语总结 True or False 1.采用CFR术语时,卖方须订立运输契约、自担风险和费用将货物运抵指定目的地。( ) 2.国际贸易惯例的使用是无条件的、强制的。( ) 3.CIF条件下的交货是典型的实际交


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