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A Selective Reading of American and British Newspapers and Periodicals Textbook: A Quality Selection of Articles from American British Newspapers Magazines 《美英报刊文章阅读》 (精选本)(第四版) The Significance of Newspaper Reading 1. Good learning resources for English learners for the rich vocabulary, which includes various idioms, common sayings and diverse phrases. The Significance of Newspaper Reading 2. Enable the learners to enhance their reading ability by providing authentic English learning material. The Significance of Newspaper Reading 3. Broaden the readers’ horizon, being the major access to world news. The Significance of Newspaper Reading 4. Good helper for the learners to improve their writing skill, due to the expert use of various writing techniques like personification, irony etc. What is news? What is news? What English Newspapers do you know? The definition accepted in China’s academic circles as standard is that news is the reporting of recent events. In China: China Daily; 21st Century; Shanghai Star; English Weekly, etc. Brief Introduction of American and British newspapers and magazines 美国和英国的日报总数约2700多家,各种期刊为1万余种,其中绝大多数是地方性和专业性报刊,全国性大报和杂志为数并不多。下面介绍在美英国内若干有影响的报刊。 American major papers The New York Times The Washington Post Los Angeles Times USA Today The Wall Street Journal The Christian Science Monitor International Herald Tribune American major papers Free Press Chicago Sun-Times New York Daily News Boston Globe Dalas Morning News San Francisco Chronicle American major news magazines Time Newsweek Reader’s Digest Fortune Business Week Far Eastern Economic Review U.S. News World Report American major news magazines U.S.News and World Report Smithsonian Star Family Circle American Legion People Weekly National Geographic American major newspapers 1.The New York Times 《纽约时报》,1851年创刊。属苏兹贝格(Sulzberger)家族所有。同《华盛顿邮报》和《洛杉矶时报》一起被列为美国最有影响的三家大报。它内容充实,资料齐全,拥有一批名记者


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