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题 目 连杆凸轮减速器仿真与设计 学生姓名 ee 学号 ee 所在学院 机械工程学院 专业班级 ee 指导教师 ee __ __ 完成地点 ee 2009 年 6 月 8 日 摘要—连杆凸轮减速器具有传动效率高,承载能力大,出轴形式灵活,刚性好,性价比高等特点。该减速器在一定程度上吸纳了渐开线齿轮减速器和摆线针轮减速器的优点。连杆凸轮减速器是在理论研究的基础上,通过样机设计、制造、台架试验和工业现场考核等环节开发而成的一种新型的机械传动装置。与摆线针轮减速器相比,省却了输出机构,曲柄轴承外移,对啮合副参数限制少,参数优化时选择余地大;摆线针轮减速器中,由于受到转臂轴承的限制,啮合副的承载能力不能充分发挥,连杆凸轮减速器更好地解决了这个问题;摆线针轮减速器输入、输出轴为外伸悬臂式,不适合横向载荷较大的场合,连杆凸轮减速器输入、输出轴均为简支布置,刚性好,适应面更宽。 连杆凸轮减速器单级传动比可达87,理论上有接近半数的凸轮廓线同时参与啮合,重合度大,传动平稳,结构紧凑,承载能力高。采用了连杆惯性力自平衡结构,延长了轴承寿命,提高了减速器的平稳性。 该成果已通过陕西省科技厅组织的科学技术成果鉴定,结论为:该成果属国内首创,达到国际先进水平。该减速器传动效率高,承载能力大,出轴形式灵活,结构刚性好,性能价格比高,为国内减速器行业增加了一个新品种。并具有技术娴熟,可靠,产业化容易,经济效益高的特点,具有广泛的应用前景和推广价值。 关键词:新型组合机构;连杆凸轮减速器;研制与实验;摆线针轮减速器;凸轮廓线 Abstract—The new type cam-linkage combinatorial mechanism is innovated. And it designs the structure and movement and analyscs force performance. According to gear one teeth difference theory and some structure characteristics of modern reducer, thought shructure characteristics of moden patter trial-roduced, the new-type cam-linkage reducer have successfully manufactured, the new method about inertia force of connecting rod balancing on the member is made. And it also increases running stability of reducer. Indicated from the field-word by industry and the test of sets shelf, the new fashioned reducer has a few merits which are more speed ratio, more heavy of bearing capacity, and hight of the transmission efficiency. It ddds a new variety for internal reducer trade and has a wide application foreground and extend value. The transmission principle and calculation of drive ratio of this mechanism was analyzed.The mathemation equations of theoretical contour of cam and its tangent line and normal line were derived. The express


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