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南乐县仓颉庙会对当地音乐文化影响调查分析 摘 要:   中国有着很多很多悠久的传统文化其中有一项很重要的就是庙会文化Cangjie Temple;Music cuiture ; Vulgar music culture China has many, many long traditional culture, which has a very important is the temple fair culture. In China of all kinds of culture, temple fair is a must carry the temple fair is nanle cangjie temple fair. As the name implies, cangjie originated in one of the great temple fair historiographer - cangjie. Cangjie created the indispensable one thing in our life, text. Also because of this, changjie has become one of the most important contributor to the long history of our country. The nanle county in henan province is the birthplace of cangjie and growth. To commemorate the cangjie, also to spread culture, cangjie temple fair was born in many years ago. And with the development of the era, cangjie temple fair is already not at the beginning of simple form, it slowly in the change and development in the long river of time. And the music culture has become a very important aspect. Its music culture has gradually affected the local and even national music form. We want to explore is cangjie temple fair influence on the local music culture. Key words : Cangjie Temple;Music cuiture ; Vulgar music culture 目录 摘要 1 引言 5 第1章 仓颉及仓颉庙会 5 1.1仓颉及仓颉庙 5 1.2仓颉庙文化 5 第2章 仓颉庙会与音乐 6 2.1 庙会与音乐 6 2.2 仓颉庙会与音乐 6 第3章 仓颉庙会对当音乐文化的影响 ...................................................7 3.1 仓颉庙会对当地的促进影响 7 3.2 仓颉庙会对当地的不良影响........................................................................................ 7 第4章 问卷调查 8 第5章 从数据分析来看仓颉庙会音乐文化 9 第6章 对仓颉庙会文化的建议 10 第7章 结论..................................................................................... 10 附录 11 参考文献 12 致 谢 13 引言 仓颉的庙会是我国非常重要的传统活动,而仓颉庙会文化文化作为我国这么多年来优秀的文化,是一项非常值得研究的课题。这里介绍了仓颉的庙会发展对于当地的音乐文化的有利影响及不利影响以及对仓颉庙会未来发展的展望。 正文: 一、仓颉庙及仓颉庙会 1.1仓颉及仓颉庙 对于我们这一代人而言,从出生至今为止所使用的文字都是汉字。但是却很少人考虑过汉字究竟从何而来,又是谁发明了它。或许也有一些人知道,汉字的由来,缘于那位极具才华的史官—仓颉。也正是因为仓颉,河南省南乐县,这个曾经养育了他的地方,在几百年之后成为了我国家喻户晓的名字。在南乐县,有着这位史官的陵墓。但可能比陵墓更让人注意的是,在陵墓的旁


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