Word-formation and Translation of Popular Network Language构词与与当下网络语言翻译.doc

Word-formation and Translation of Popular Network Language构词与与当下网络语言翻译.doc

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重庆大学城市科技学院本科学生毕业论文 网络流行语的构成及其翻译 学 生:XXX(汉字) 学 号:2009 XXXX 指导教师:XXX(汉字) 专 业:英 语 重庆大学城市科技学院人文学院 二O XX年X月 Graduation Thesis of City College of Science and Technology Chongqing University Word-formation and Translation of Popular Network Language Undergraduate: (学生姓名,拼音) : (指导教师姓名,拼音) Major: English School of Law Foreign Languages City College of Science and Technology Chongqing University 2012 Acknowledgements (把XXX改为你要感谢的人,注意也要改称谓,如:Professor ,Associate Professor, Mr. Ms, Dr等) I am grateful to the following people for making this thesis possible. First and foremost, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to my supervisor, Ms XXX, not only for the precious time she has devoted to reading every draft of my thesis and the invaluable enlightenment she has provided to guide me through all the stages of my writing process, but also for her warm encouragement and unfailing patience which serve as a great comfort to me during the difficult times in the process of writing. My appreciation also goes to all the teachers who have gave me creative and edifying lectures in the four years, from which I have benefited a lot in the English studies. My special gratitude goes to XXX, who has taught me translation methods and instructed me about how to accomplish the term thesis writing. Finally I would like to thank all my dear friends, especially XXX, XXX, XXX and my parents whose support and encouragement are indispensable. 摘要 网络语言是网络文化的产物和载体,研究这些语言,不仅有助于网络语言文化的发展,也有利于翻译和跨文化交际。在跨文化传播的今天,及时准确地翻译中国网络流行语对于弘扬和宣传中国特色文化有着重要影响。 本文以网络上具有中国特色的网络流行语言为语料,对其进行搜集分类,研究得出网络流行语主要的构成有:符号语,谐音语,字母语,旧词新义及新造词。并在此基础上借鉴美国翻译理论家奈达对翻译所下的定义,深入了解一些基本翻译方法如直译、意译、异化、归化,对网络流行语的翻译进行细致的分析发现主要的英译方式有:内涵式翻译、联想式翻译和模因论下的翻译。总的来说本文结合网络流行语的构成方法和翻译方式,向渴望了解中国当代语言文化的外国友人有效传递其语义特征及文化内涵,提高人们对汉译英翻译质量的鉴别能力,更好地探析汉语网络流行语在翻译过程中的变异与得失。 关键词: 网络流行语,构成方式,英译 ABSTRACT Network language is the product and carrier of the net culture and studying these languages not only contributes



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