The Study of Using Metacognitive Strategy to Enhance Students’ Learning Autonomy 如何利用元认知策略提高学生的自主学习性.doc

The Study of Using Metacognitive Strategy to Enhance Students’ Learning Autonomy 如何利用元认知策略提高学生的自主学习性.doc

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The Study of Using Metacognitive Strategy to Enhance Students’ Learning Autonomy A thesis presented to the School of English Education of Xi’an International Studies University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts May 15, 2013 西安外国语大学 毕 业 论 文 开 题 报 告 姓名 性别 班级 专升本11-3 学号 1125020324 毕业论文题目: 如何利用元认知策略提高学生的自主学习性 The Study Of Using Meta Cognitive Strategy to Enhance Students’ English Learning Autonomy 任务起止日期: 2011 年11 月 20日 至 2011年5 月15 日 毕业论文主要内容及参考文献: 传统的英语教学模式“以教师为中心”,教师是教学活动的主导和中心,是知识的传授者。学生在整个教学活动中始终被动地接受知识,主动学习的机会很少,学习主动性被忽视。这不能满足学生对知识的有效吸收。20 世纪70 年代美国心理学家J﹒H﹒Flavell最早在元记忆的基础上提出来元认知(meta cognition) 的概念,认为元认知就是对认知的认知,具体地说,是关于个人自己认知过程的知识和调节这些过程的能力,对思维和学习活动的知识和控制。元认知意识和策略的培养可以帮助学生“学习如何学习”,使学生成为学习的主导者。我国外语界对元认知和元认知策略的研究起步比较晚,于20世纪90年代开始引进国外相关理论,很多人对于这种学习策略还是十分陌生的。本文结合现有的研究资料重在探讨元认知策略的涵义,元认知策略对学生英语自主学习能力的影响,并提出利用元认知策略提高学生自主学能力的相关策略。我希望能为促进英语学习者使用元认知策略,学会管理和支配自己的学习、进行正确的自我评估,在学习中采取主动地位从而培养其英语自主学习能力提供一定的帮助. 参考文献: Becker, H. , Hamayan, E. 2004. Teaching ESL K-12: View from the Classroom Beijing: Foreign Teaching and Research Press. Oxford, R. 1990. Language learning Strategies: What every teacher should know. New York: Newbury House. O’Malley, J. M., Chamot, A. U. 1990. Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ?年 月 日 Acknowledgments This thesis is dedicated to all the teachers who have taught me a lot, especially to my supervisor, who has helped to work out the outline, giving me enlightening advice throughout the whole process of the present thesis. To her, I owe a profound debt of gratitude. The work would not have been possible without the help of my roommates and friends, who gave me a lot of encouragement when I was at a loss. We discussed a lot and moved forward. I am particularly indebted to my father and mother, who encouraged me to persist and gave me the best they could offer. Without all the support, I could not have comp



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