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WSC2013_09_TP_prep? WorldSkills International (WSI) reserves all rights in documents developed for or on behalf of WSI, including translation and electronic distribution. This material may be reproduced for non-commercial vocational and educational purposes provided that the WorldSkills International logo and copyright notice are left in place.  PAGE 1 of  NUMPAGES 5 Test Projects for the 42nd WorldSkills Competition Preparation, presentation and format of Test Projects Test Projects for WorldSkills Competition 2013 WSC2013_09_Test_Project_prep_pres_ENVersion: 1.2 Date: 04.08.11  PAGE 5 of  NUMPAGES 5 Introduction The Competition Rules specify rules and requirements of Test Projects that pertain to all skills at the Competition. The Technical Descriptions specify the skill specific requirements and information about the Test Project. This document refers to the preparation, presentation and format requirements of Test Projects for all skills in the WorldSkills Competition. They must be used to ensure i) can be used with the software provided at the Competition and ii) drawings and documents are branded with WSI logo, Competition and copyright requirements. Documentation required Each Test Project will require a text document and may require drawings and/or photographs. Text document (compulsory) Engineering/technical drawings (if appropriate) Photographs (if appropriate) The document, drawings, and photographs are to be submitted in digital form as follows: Any text documentation is to be submitted using Microsoft Word files using the provided template (see section 5) where possible. Any engineering/technical drawings are to be submitted using AutoCAD (from Autodesk) files using the provided template (see section 5). All drawings must conform to either first angle projection method (formerly referred to ISO E) or third angle projection method (formerly known as ISO A). Any engineering/technical drawing that is submitted must be accompani


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