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七年制组胚试卷 2004级七年制《组织学与胚胎学》课程试题(A卷) 题号 一 二 三 四 五 总分 分数 合分人:复查人: 一、单选题:(每题1分,共15分) (说明:将认为正确答案的字母填写在每小题后面的括号内) 分数 评卷人 1.感受头部旋转运动的结构是() A.椭圆囊斑B.球囊斑 C.螺旋器 D.壶腹嵴 2.应用下列哪种技术可检测细胞内的多糖( ) A.免疫细胞化学B.PAS反应 C. HE染色D. 原位杂交 3.检测细胞内某一特定RNA, 需采用( ) A. 免疫组织化学 B. 扫描电镜 C. 原位杂交 D. 组织化学技术 4.下列何种细胞之间有缝管连接( ) A. 骨细胞 B. 骨原细胞 C. 软骨细胞 D. 破骨细胞 5.幼年时期, 生长激素分泌不足可导致( ) A. 佝偻病 B. 呆小症 C. 侏儒症 D. 地方性甲状腺肿 6.The pseudostratified ciliated epithelium distributes in ( ) A.trachea B.esophagus C.colon D. bladder 7.Under light microscope, the point to distinguish axon and dendrite is ( ) A. axon long, dendrite short B. axon thick, dendrite thin C. axon without Nissl’s body, dendrite with Nissl’s body D. axon with fewer branches, dendrite with more branches 8.Which cell is antigen presenting cell of skin( ) A.keratinocyte B.melanocyte C.Merkel’s cell D. Langerhans cell 9.The wall of heart is composed of ( ) A. endocardium, myocardium, epicardium B. tunica intima, tunica media, tunica adventitia C. endocardium, myocardium, epicardium, cardiac valve D. endothelium, subendothelial layer, sunendocardial layer 10.Monocyte can evolve which cell( ) A. adipose cell B. mast cell C. plasma cell D. macrophage 11. The endocrine cell of respiratory epithelium is () A. Ciliated cell B. Small granule cell C. Goblet cell D. Brush cell 12. Epithelium of the small intestine is() A. simple cuboidal epithelium B. simple columnar epithelium C. stratified squamous epithelium D. simple squamous epithelium 13. Central lymphoid organ is() A.thymus B. spleen C. lymph nodes D.tonsils 14.Which cell has the most nuclei? () A. Macrophage B. neuron C. Cardiac muscle fiber D. Skeletal muscle fiber 15.Which cell can yield fiber? () A.mast cellB. Plasma cell C. fibroblastD.Macrophage 二、多选题:(每题1分,共 10分) (说明:将认为正确答案的字母填写在每小题后而的括号内) 分数 评卷人 1.复层扁平上皮见于() A.皮肤B.胆囊 C.食管D.输尿管 2.腺垂体远侧部的腺细胞包括() A.嗜酸性细胞B.嗜碱性细胞 C.嫌色细胞D.垂体细胞 3.血窦() A.管腔大而不规则B.分布于肝、脾等处 C.内皮细胞间隙较大D.内皮细胞可有窗孔 4. 淋巴结的功能包括() A.滤过淋巴液B.培育T细胞 C. 免疫应答 D. 滤过血液 5.子宫内膜处于分泌期时(


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