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连接雅思写作逻辑关系表达的桥梁 朗阁雅思考试研究中心 在雅思写作中,不同逻辑关系的表达就意味着要使用不同的句式结构,不同的连接词。因此,连接词在写作中是否能正确的使用就决定着文章逻辑关系是否合理。笔者在多年的教学中发现,有的考生不明白在写作中该使用怎样的连接词,有的考生不知道连接词的使用是否正确。本文将总结写作中常用的连接词。 一、常见列举用转折词语 1 for one thing, for another, above all things; 2. to begin/start with, next/besides/moreover, last/finally; 3. in the first place, in the second, in the third, (and) best of/worst of all; 4. one of these, another,(there is) still another(reason/factor); 上述词组的意思是: 首先;其次;最重要的是 2. 首先;然后/此外/而且;最后; 第一,首先;第二;第三;最好的是/最糟糕的是; 其中一个;另一个;还有一个(原因/因素); 二、常见对比转折词语 1 but, but on the contrary, but on the other hand, but then; 2. by contrast, in contrast, in contrast with/to, as a contrast to, as opposed to; 3. by contraries, on the contrary, to the contrary, contrary to (A), opposite to, in opposition to; 4. whereas, while, while on the other hand, while on the whole, yet, however; 5. (as) compared with/to, by comparison, in comparison with, by comparison to 6. First..., Next..., Last...; 7. In the first / early / initial / infant period / stage / phase(或In its infancy..., In the second / middle / adult / ripe period / stage / phase..., In the third / last / closing / later / concluding period...; 8. One step (way/course/approach/secret/trick)..., Another step..., Still another step...; 9. The first measure/step/move..., Next to it comes..., And the last/final/the most important measure...; 10. The direct experience/lesson/factor/way(或One lesson... The indirect experience/lesson/factor/way(或The other lesson... 上述词组的意思是: 但是;但相反地;但另一方面;但是接下去; 通过对比;经过对比;经与…对比;作为与…的对比;作为…的对照; 相反;相反;相反;与A相反;与…相反;与…相反; 然而;然而;然而另一方面;然而整体而言;然而;然而; 跟…相比 首先…;其次…;最后…; 在第一个/早期/开始/婴儿时期/阶段;在第二个/中间/成人/成熟时期/阶段;在第三个/最后/结束/后面的阶段; 一个措施/方法/做法/秘密/计策是…;另一个措施是…;还有一个措施是…; 第一个措施是…;接着是…;最后一个/最重要的措施是…; 直接经验/教训/因素/途径是(一个教训是)…;间接经验/教训/因素/途径是(另一个教训是)… 三、常见对比转折句型 1 But the obvious (fatal/serious) flaw (defect/drawback) in their argument (attitude/idea/view/action/behavior) is that.../But the basic (main/great/key/ big) problem with their argument (..


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