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天津职业技术师范大学 Tianjin University of Technology and Education 毕 业 设 计 专 业: 电气技术技术教育 班级学号: 电气0912 - 40 学生姓名: 郑德志 指导教师: 陈东升 实验师 二〇一四年六月 天津职业技术师范大学本科生毕业设计 基于16单片机智能刷卡门禁系统设计 Intelligent card entrance guard system based on 16 专业班级:电气0912 学生姓名:郑德志 指导教师:陈东升 实验师 学 院:自动化与电气工程学院 2014年06月 摘 要 门禁系统是智能大厦自动化,作为一种新的现代安全管理系统,访问控制系统和自动识别技术在现代安全措施。这就需要相应的智能门禁系统。 本文介绍了16单片机作为主控芯片,通过专门的读写模块用于读取射频IC卡的信息时,。如果正确的操作。全自动、准确的识别卡的序列号来访问系统中用AT24C04 EEPROM芯片中起着重要的作用, 人机交互界面用到的是4×4矩阵键盘输入和标准字符液晶显示LCD12864模块。使用按键输入密码按照正确的密码或没有进行相应的操作。对于用户用按键输入密码,根据密码的正确还是错误来做出相应的操作,管理员可以自行设定和修改密码,防止密码被盗;若是有非法卡或者是密码输入错误,则系统输出部分报警电路工作。 关键词:AVR16单片机;射频IC卡;AT24C04芯片;液晶显示;报警电路。 ABSTRACT Entrance guard system is an important and indispensable part of intelligent building automation system, as a new comprehensive modern safety management system, the access control system and automatic identification technology in the modern social security is extremely important. So this requires the development of corresponding technology, after all, society is continuously updated, like Darwins theory of evolution, the survival of the fittest, for todays electronic products, increasingly update, the intelligent entrance guard system also have to keep up with the development of The Times. Now most of the companies need such high intelligent entrance guard system AVR16 singlechip as the master control chip has been introduced in this paper, through specialized rf IC card read/write module used to read the information, when the card has into the scope of reading card, card reader will read the corresponding card number, and through the serial number of the card to make the corresponding action. If the correct credit card operation, the door opens and shows the correct. If illegal card, alarm system will trigger, and display an error message. Design USES is fully automatic, accurate identification card serial number to access the system, the system used in the block AT24C04 EEPROM chip play


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