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he 媒介是企业战略性资源1.ppt

媒介是企业的战略性资源 Media is the strategic resources of an enterprise ——中国市场特色条件下的品牌传播之道 The Secret of Spreading Your Brand Name Under the Circumstance of Special Feature of China Marketplace 中央电视台广告部副主任 何海明 博士 Dr. He Haiming , Deputy Director of CCTV Advertising Dept. 2004年5月22日 上海 May 22 2004 Shanghai 威亚创意-专业制作ppt公司-收集整理 提要Outline 一、媒介是企业的战略性资源——几个广告观点 Media is the strategic resources of an enterprise, Some of my viewpoints on Ad to be shared with you 二、企业与媒体要深度互动,建立战略合作伙伴关系 Enterprises and media should have in-depth interactive communications and establish strategic partnership 对企业而言—— 营销是企业经营的核心 广告是营销的重点 媒介策略是广告的关键 媒介是企业的战略性资源 基本观点 Media is the strategic resources of an enterprise To an enterprise Marketing is the core of business operation Advertising is the focus of marketing Media strategy is the key of Ad. 蒙牛抓住了“神五”事件 Mengniu took the event chance of the launch of SHENZHOU V 神舟五号发射成功后,来自央视媒介研究、央视索福瑞媒介研究和AC尼尔森三家调研公司的数据都表明:After the successful launch of spaceship SHENZHOU V, statistics from AC Nielson, CCTV Media Research and Sofarie Media research showed that: 蒙牛现在已经成为乳品行业的第一品牌! Mengniu has already become number one brand name in the milk industry. 蒙牛: 4年增长115倍 Mengniu: Increase 115 times in 4 years 亿元 海尔集团7.13申奥广告 July 13, 2001, Beijing’s Bid for 2008 Olympic 激情时刻,与消费者共同喝彩 At the very moment with great passion, Haier is cheering and celebrating together with consumers 韩日世界杯,全体中国人的期待 Korea-Japan World Cup 2002, Expectations of all Chinese 观众对海尔场景变换的 LOGO切换广告形式记忆犹新 The Logo switch Ad of Haier is very impressive 步步高决赛期间加时赛广告独 具慧眼 Bubugao’s sponsorship for the overtime match of the final is a good choice 韩日世界杯的收视份额是达到45%, 当数据出来时,错过机会的只有遗憾! The rating share of Korea-Japan World Cup reached 45%, when this number comes out, for those missing the chance, only to regret! 伊拉克战争Iraqi War 统一润滑油:和平的声音 Monarch Lubricating Oil: Voice of Peace 广告:就像是购买期货,购买的是未来。 数据:表现的是过去,并不能准确预测未来。 Media purchase is something like buying future stock, it is for the future.


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