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窥探地球:事关地球生死的10张图片蔚蓝的珍珠This iconic image leads the legacy of NASAs Terra satellite, a flagship of the agencys Earth-observing fleet. Now in its 10th year of monitoring the land, oceans, sea ice and clouds, Terra tracks environmental change like a doctor monitors a patients vital signs. Reminiscent of photographs taken by astronauts on the moon, this digital image from 2002 is the stitching together of months of Terra observations of into a seamless mosaic, with resolution down to one square kilometer. ???????? 这幅来自NASA绕地卫星的地球肖像画,是观察地球图片中的佼佼者。到目前为止,我们用这种方法监视大地,海洋,冰川和云层已经有10个年头了,我们像医生检查病人生命特征一般记录着地球的环境变化。这张2002年拍摄的照片是由绕地卫星通过一个月的拍摄之后无缝拼接而成的,它的分辨率可以精确到一平方公理。 地形测量 This view of the Los Angeles Basin, looking northwest toward the San Gabriel Mountains, is a simulated natural-color image draped over digital topography, both from Terras Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER). The ASTER team released this image in June 2009 to promote its new global digital elevation model, which remains the most complete and consistent data set of its kind. 通过使用绕地卫星上先进的热发射和反射接受器,将自然景色的图片覆盖到数字拓扑信息上去,就形成了这样一幅朝向圣盖博山的洛杉矶盆地视图。这种图片由热发射和反射接受器研究小组(ASTER)在2009年6月发布,旨在推广这种目前保留了最全最准确地球数据的新型地球数据测量模型。水藻大爆发   2009年11月22号,绕地卫星上的热发射和反射接受器捕捉到了这种蓝绿细丝状水藻旋转越过危地马拉的亚提特兰湖。这种水藻大爆发不仅会对人畜造成危害还会在湖水中制造死亡区域——水中的一片区域会因为氧气匮乏而完全不能供有氧生物生存。为了帮助缓解水藻爆发和其他一些自然危及,ASTER小组可以将感应器对准目标区域,每天截取500张高分辨率照片。 植被分配不均How much carbon land plants store during photosynthesis, a measure known as net primary productivity, changes from season to season. That explains why the Northern Hemisphere was so much greener in August 2009 [top] than in March 2010 [bottom]. A recent analysis of these monthly compilations, based on measurements from Terras Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), revealed that changes are happening year to year as well. Annual global uptake of carbon has been declining since 2000, probably as warming-related droughts stunt the growth of crops and vegetation in the tropics and South


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