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摘 要
关键词:四层电梯 ,控制系统,可编程控制器
Small Elevator Control System Design For Multi-story Building
Author:Li Feng
Tutor: Li An Sheng
Elevator control system has three control modes: relay control system, PLC control systems, computer control system. PLC control system, high reliability, easy maintenance, strong anti-jamming design and debug cycle is shorter, etc., much of peoples attention, has become in the elevator control system most frequently used control methods. This paper described the structure and working principle of the structure and the programmable controller of the elevator on the basis of, for the four-story elevator, use the Siemens S7-200 programmable controller, the design of the elevator control system, including the car in order and hall call registration and cancellation, of the signal layer selection and orientation of the elevator, the elevator door switch to run the elevator up and down the line control part of one layer of the elevator control, the instruction records the car with layers of call ladder, elevator running direction and choose layer control, lift up and down the line, and automatic door switch elevator refers to the layer control and other functions.
Keywords: four-story elevator control system programmable controller
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题的研究背景及意义 1
1.2 电梯的简介 2
1.2.1 电梯的起源 2
1.2.2 电梯的定义与分类 3
1.2.3 电梯电气控制发展 4
1.2.4 电梯的国内外发展状况 4
1.3 PLC在电梯控制中的应用以及发展前景 6
1.4 课题研究的内容 7
2 控制系统的组成 9
2.1 PLC控制系统组成 9
2.1.1 硬件的组成 9
2.2 软件的组成 10
2.2.1 PLC系统软件与工作过程 11
2.2.2 应用软件 11
2.2.3 编程语言及编程支持工具软件 11
2.3控制系统抗干扰措施 11
2.3.1 硬件抗干扰措施 12
2.3.2软件抗干扰措施 14
2.4 PLC控制系统的发展趋势 15
3 PLC的选型 18
3.1 输入输出(I/O)点数的估算 18
4软件设计 20
4.1 电梯控制系统的主流程图 20
4.2编程元件明细表 21
4.3 电动机控制电路图 22
4.4梯形图及注释 23
4.4.1电梯初始控制 23
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