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西华师范大学文献信息检索课综合实习报告 学生姓名学号成 绩__________ 院(系):专业检索课题(中英文)导数及其应用是微积分中的部分内容,是微积分初步几经修改后进入我国《高中数学课程标准(实验)》的内容,其在概念呈现、内容编排等都有所改革。如何设计这部分的教学,特别是用怎样的视角处理,笔者认为有必要做一些探讨。本文对导数及其应用的内容结构、基本数学思想方法、学习目标及任务、学习初等微积分的课程价值进行了理论研究,同时在实验基础上对导数及其应用的教与学进行了研究。研究表明:(1)微积分中蕴含的思想是信息时代社会公民生活的一种需要,是数学发展的一种动力,微积分对其它领域也有着广泛的应用;(2)学生必须具备的极限思想及理论基础; (3)学生理解导数概念的认知结构发展经历三个层次:作为“具体实际意义”的导数;作为“变化率”的导数;在某点处的导数与导数概念的辨析。并对影响其教与学的因素进行了分析。针对以上调查和分析,对具体内容提出了的教学策略:(1)突出概念本质;(2)防止微积分教学退化成形式;(3)加强数学思想方法的教学;(4)关注与信息技术的整合;(5)加强对数学的文化的渗透;(6)处理好微积分与初等数学的关系;(7)加强初等微积分学习中常见错误的剖析。If the entire mathematics compared to a tree, then the elementary mathematics is the root of the tree, branches of the numerous branches of mathematics, but the trunk is the main part of the calculus, whether or higher mathematics elementary mathematics, the basic methods are interlinked , then the method of higher mathematics calculus mathematics in secondary schools has a kind of application? calculus way of thinking and the basic theory has been widely applied, in addition to teaching in secondary schools have an important role in guiding, but also a lot of teaching in secondary schools issues and to play a commanding role in Jane Yu Fan. So calculus in middle school mathematics in which applications, this paper studies have shown that identity and inequality, to determine changes in sexual function, extremum, find the tangent equation, the research and application. Derivatives and its application is part of the Calculus is calculus preliminary revised several times to enter Chinas High School Mathematics Curriculum Standards (Experimental) content, its concepts presented in the content layout and so have reforms. How to design this part of the teaching, especially in dealing with the perspective of what the author considers it necessary to do some research. In this paper, derivatives and its application in the content and structure, the basic mathematical way of thinking, learning objectives and tasks of elementary calculus courses to l


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