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【摘要】: 本论文主要阐述了不锈钢箱体的装焊工艺难点进行分析, 并从焊接方法、焊接参数、装焊顺序等方面进行工艺攻关, 确定合理焊接参数和装焊顺序, 解决装焊过程中存在的技术难题, 确保产品的焊缝质量。 0cr18ni9就是奥氏体不锈钢,我做的这个课题就是探讨0cr18ni9在箱体制造中的性能。箱体是用来储存液N液Ar液态的二氧化碳等低温液体的容器,液态介质的特殊性能就决定了制造材料需要特殊性能,而奥氏体不锈钢0cr18ni9就具有这样的性能。低温贮罐在现在的生活、生产中使用已经越来越广泛,因此对0cr18ni9的探讨就显得越来越重要。在这篇论文中我会着重为大家阐述0cr18ni9在低温箱体制造中的焊接性能,力学性能,使用性能和焊接工艺。 【关键词】:焊接设备 焊接材料 焊接性能 力学性能 使用性能 焊接工艺 箱体 不锈钢 焊接参数 焊接方法 焊缝质量 Abstract: this paper mainly on welding technology of stainless steel case and difficult analysis and welding method and welding parameters, welding order process in areas such as research to determine reasonable welding parameters and welding order, resolve technical problems existing in the welding process, ensure that the welding quality of the product. 0cr18ni9 is austenitic stainless steel, discussion of this subject is 0cr18ni9 I do in case of manufacturing performance. Box is used to store liquid n Ar container of liquid carbon dioxide and other cryogenic liquids, liquid special properties determine the manufacturing materials require special properties and 0cr18ni9 austenitic stainless steel with this performance. Low temperature storage tanks in life, has become increasingly widely used in the production, so discussion on 0cr18ni9 seems more and more important. In this paper I will focus on as we elaborate 0cr18ni9 in cold welding performance of box manufacture, mechanical properties, use the property and welding. Key words: welding equipment, welding materials mechanical property of welding performance using the performance box welding method for stainless steel welding parameters of welding technology welding quality 目 录 1.绪 论 2 2. 箱体 4 2.1箱体材料 4 2.2箱体的结构设计 4 3.材料的焊接特点 7 3.1 OCr18Ni9的焊接性分析 7 3.2 影响焊接性的主要因素 7 4.焊接工艺设计 9 4.1 箱体焊接工艺难点 9 4.2焊接方法的选择 9 4.2.1钨极氩弧焊的原理及设备 9 4.2.2钨极氩弧焊的特点 10 4.2.3直流钨极氩弧焊 10 4.2.4钨极氩弧焊的焊接工艺参数 11 4.2.5钨极氩弧焊的工艺影响因素 13 4.2.6钨极氩弧焊的安全规程 14 4.3焊接设备的选择 15 4.4焊接材料的选择 15 5.奥氏体不锈钢(0Cr18Ni9)钨极氩弧焊的工艺流程 16 5.1焊前准备 16 5.1.1焊前



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