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哈 尔 滨 理 工 大 学
毕 业 设 计
题 目:慢走丝电火花线切割机控制系统的研究
院、 系: 电气自动化
姓 名: 侯伟
指导教师: 段瑞珍
系 主 任: 王哈力
摘 要
关键词 ;;;
Design and Finite Element Analysis on the Main Cones Assembly Structure of the Main Retarder
The main reducing gear assembly transfer the motivity to the conic-gear it meshed. In the structure of the car main reducing gear assembly, the beforehand force of the locknut is directly related to the selection of the gasket, when the thickness of gasket is different, the behind force of bearing is different and so is the displacement of the gear. This paper assembly in the structural strength of the problems, after the main bridge reducer cone assembly in the mechanical assembly technology research, analysis of the main cone assembly of the assembly process,Through analyzing the structure of the main reducer, some mechanical factors, Based on pre-tighten moment in the process of assembly, the analytical model of the main reduce is established through theoretical analysis of the connection between screwed moment and axle force. By using finite element analysis, we obtain stress field and displacement field of the main reducer after assembly by finite element method. As a result, strength evaluation of the main reducer is performed. Based on these results, some theoretic suggestions for the design and manufacture of the main reducer are provided.
Keywords The main reducing gear assembly; Bearing block; Contact Analysis; ANSYS不要删除行尾的分节符,此行不会被打印目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
1.1 前言 1
1.2 国内外研究发展状况 2
1.3 课题来源及研究内容 3
1.3.1 课题来源 3
1.3.2 主要研究的内容 3
1.4 课题研究的意义 3
第2章 主减速器装配分析 4
2.1 汽车主减速器功能 4
2.2 主减速器装配技术要求 4
2.3 主减速器装配中轴承的安装及预紧 5
2.4 本章小结 6
第3章 主轴的力学分析及主减零件模型的简化 7
3.1 拧紧扭矩产生的实际轴向力 7
3.2 轴向力在总成中的分配 8
3.3 主减总成的模型建立 10
3.3.1 锁紧螺母和凸缘模型的建立 10
3.3.2 上下滚子轴承模型的建立 11
3.3.3 轴承座模型的建立 12
3.4 本章小结 12
第4章 各零部件有限元分析 13
4.1 分析步骤 1
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