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电子时钟设计 某某 (陕西理工学院物理与电信工程学院通信工程专业1202班,陕西 汉中 723000) 指导教师:某某 [关键词] 电子时钟;DS1302;单片机 The design of electronic clock Zhang (Grade12,Class2,Major of Communication Engineering,School of Physics and telecommunication Engineering of Shaanxi University of Technology, Hanzhong 723000,Shaanxi) Tutor: Wu Yan [Abstract With the rapid development of science and technology, the passage of time, to now from the view of the sun, pendulum clock to electronic clock, human constantly research and innovation. DALLAS companies in the United States launched a trickling water can fine current charging low-power real-time DS1302 clock circuit. It can be for the year, month, day, week, time, minutes and seconds, also have a leap year compensation and other functions, and long service life of DS1302, small error. For electronic clock using intuitive digital display, can display year, month, day, week, at the same time, minutes and seconds, and when the information such as temperature, but also has time calibration, and other functions. The circuit AT89C51 single chip microcomputer as the core, small power consumption, able to work under 3 v low voltage, voltage can choose 3 ~ 5 v voltage supply. To sum up the electronic clock has read convenient, direct display, functional diversity, simple circuit, low cost, and many other advantages, in line with the development trend of electronic instruments and meters, has a broad market prospect. [Key words] electronic calendar;DS1302;Single chip microcompu 1绪论 1.1单片机的定义 单片机是指一个集成在一块芯片上的完整计算机系统。尽管他的大部分功能集成在一个小芯片上,但是它具有一个完整计算机所需要的大部分部件:CPU、内存、内部和外部总线系统,目前大部分单片机还会具有外存。同时集成诸如通讯接口、定时器,实时时钟等外围设备。而现在最强大的单片机系统甚至可以将声音、图像、网络、复杂的输入输出系统集成在一块芯片上。单片机也被称为微控制器(Microcontroller),是因为它最早被用在工业控制领域。单片机由芯片内仅有CPU的专用处理器发展而来,最早的设计理念是通过将大量外围设备和CPU集成在一个芯片中,使计算机系统更小、更容易集成于复杂的而对体积要求严格的控制设备当中。INTEL的Z80是最早按照这种思想设计出的处理器,从此以后,单片机和专用处理器的发展便分道扬镳[1]。? 单片机技术是现代电子工程领域一门迅速发展的技术,它的应用已经渗透到各种嵌入式系统中。可以毫不夸张地说:掌握单片机技术是电子信息类专业学生就业的一个重要条件。同时单片机技术又是一门实践性很强的学科。只有我们不断地通过实践研究才能学习好单片机课程。 ? 1.2?单片机分


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