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PAGE \* MERGEFORMATI 中华人民共和国教育部 东北林业大学 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 论文题目: 技术创新对公路运输市场体系的作用和影响 学 生: 张小海 指导教师: 王 明 教授 学 院: 成人教育学院 专业年级: 土木工程 2011年6月 PAGE II PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT3 PAGE \* MERGEFORMATI 基于Web的 HYPERLINK /thesis/Student_Showthesisdetails.aspx?id=1256 \t _blank JAVA五子棋对弈程序的设计与实现 摘要 人工智能是一门正在迅速发展的新兴的,综合性很强的交叉科学。它与生物工程、空间技术一起被并列为二十一世界三大尖端技术。它的中心任务是研究如何使计算机去做那些过去只能靠人的智力才能做的工作。目前各发达国家都把人工智能作为重点项目,列入本国的高科技发展计划当中,投入巨大的人力和物力。 计算机人机对弈也是其中之一。作为人智能研究的一个重要分支,计算机博弈是检验人工水平的一个重要方面。它的研究为人工智能带来了很多重要的方法和理论,产生了广泛的社会影响和学术影响。 五子棋人机对弈是计算机博弈中的一种。研究其计算机算法,可以让我们看到人工智能的稚形,也有助于我们人脑的开发。五子棋是我国发明的,研究它可以让更多的外国人了解五子棋,这有助于我国优秀文化的推广。 关键词: 人工智能;计算人机对弈;五子棋;JSP JAVA renju play chess program design and implementation Based on Web ABSTRACT Artificial intelligence is a rapidly developing new, integrated a strong Frontier Science. It is with bio-engineering, space technology has been listed as 21 in the world along with the three cutting-edge technology. Its central task is to study how to make the computer do that in the past to rely on human intelligence to do. AI is currently regarded as the focus of the developed countries included in this cars high-tech development projects invested tremendous human and material resources. Man-machine chess computer is one of them. As a human study of an important branch of intelligence, the computer game to test the level of an important aspect of the manual. Its research in artificial intelligence has resulted in many important methods and theories to produce a wide range of social impact and academic impact. Man-machine chess game Renju in one of the computer. To study the computer algorithm, we can see the beginning of artificial intelligence shadow, but also help us to human brain development. Backgammon invented in C


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