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* 考点15 倍数表达法 难 点 自 测 难 点 诠 释 典 型 例 题 疑 难 突 破 即 时 突 破 难 点 自 测 It’s said that the power plant is now ___ large as what it was.[2013.安徽] twice as B. as twice C. twice much D. much twice A。考查倍数表达法。句意: 据说这个 发电厂现在是以前的两倍大。倍数表 达法有多种, 此处考查的是“倍数词+ as…as”结构, 故选A。 ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ 难 点 诠 释 两倍用twice, 3倍或3倍以上用…times。倍数表达方式有: …times +形容词/副词的比较级+than… This street is three times wider than that one. 这条街比那条街宽3倍。 …times + as + 形容词/副词的原级 + as… This dictionary is five times as thick as the one you borrowed from the library. 这本词典的厚度是你从图书馆借的那本的5倍。 ◆ ◆ 难 点 诠 释 两倍用twice, 3倍或3倍以上用…times。倍数表达方式有: …times + the + 名词(如: height, weight, length, size, width等) + of… This river is three times the depth of that one. 这条河的深度是那条河的3倍。 …times + more + 名词 + than … He earns five times more money than he did ten years ago.他现在挣的钱比十年前挣的多5倍。 难 点 诠 释 两倍用twice, 3倍或3倍以上用…times。倍数表达方式有: …times + as many (或much)+ 名词 + as… She spent half as much money as you. 她花掉的钱是你花掉的一半。 …times + what 从句 The length of the road is four times what it was three years ago. 这条路的长度是三年前的4倍。 ◆ ◆ 难 点 诠 释 两倍用twice, 3倍或3倍以上用…times。倍数表达方式有: …+by + … times Compared with last year, our coal output has increased by three times.与去年相比, 我们的煤产量增长了3倍。 …times + up on (或over) The size of the sun is a million times over that of the earth. 太阳的体积比地球的体积大一百万倍。 ◆ ◆ 难 点 诠 释 两倍用twice, 3倍或3倍以上用…times。倍数表达方式有: …times + up on (或over) The size of the sun is a million times over that of the earth. 太阳的体积比地球的体积大一百万倍。 …+by +…times Compared with last year, our coal output has increased by three times.与去年相比, 我们的煤产量增长了3倍。 ◆ ◆ 倍数用法秘诀 倍数表达靠前站,原级比较跟后面; 假如倍后连名词;名词前面用定冠。 难 点 诠 释 两倍用twice, 3倍或3倍以上用…times。倍数表达方式有: …times + that of+被比较对象 In this factory the output of July was 3.5 times that of January.这家工厂七月份的产量是元月份的3.5倍。 ◆ ◆ This restaurant wasn’t ______ that restaurant we went to. A. half as good as B. as half good as C. as good as half D. good as half as 典 型 例 题 A 。这家饭店还不如我们以前去的那家饭店 的一半好。本句所用到的倍数表达法的结构 是“倍数词 + as…as…”。在此结构中, 应 把倍数放在as…as的前面, 故A项正


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