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* This topic and the next one (cross-price elasticity) do not appear anywhere else in the book. Instructors who are pressed for time may consider cutting these topics. (This is merely my suggestion, not the official position of Greg Mankiw or Cengage/South-Western.) I found all of these at Greg Mankiw’s blog, at . Most were posted during May 2008; the one about online courses is from July 2008. He adds new ones periodically as he finds them. If you’d like to see the actual articles, start at Mankiw’s blog and search on “cross-price elasticity”. You’ll get a list of all of his posts on this topic, with links to the articles. (If any of the links are broken, try Googling the article’s title/headline.) 内容提要 如果具体 某种物品没有相近的替代品,是必需品而不是奢侈品,市场范围大,或者是在短期内,那么,这种物品就更倾向于缺乏弹性 供给价格弹性衡量的是供给量对价格变动的反应程度。如果弹性小于1,供给缺乏弹性。如果弹性大于1,供给富有弹性 供给价格弹性在长期中比在短期中更大 * 内容提要 需求收入弹性衡量的是需求量对消费者收入变动的反应程度 需求的交叉价格弹性衡量一种物品需求量对另一种物品价格变动的反应程度 * 作业:11月11日(周一)交 第1章:问题与应用 第4、5、6题(p18) 第2章:问题与应用 第4、6、7题(p40) 第4章:问题与应用 第6、10~14题(p93 ~ 94) 第5章:问题与应用 第2 ~ 4、6 ~15题(p114 ~ 115) * The elasticity chapter in most principles textbooks is fairly technical, and is not always students’ favorite. This PowerPoint chapter contains several special features designed to engage and motivate students to learn this important material. First, we consider a scenario in which students face a business decision – whether to raise the price of a service they sell. This scenario is used to illustrate the effects of raising price on number of units sold and on revenue, which students immediately recognize as critical to the business decision. Second, instead of merely listing the determinants of elasticity, students are asked to think about some concrete examples and deduce from each one a lesson about the determinants of elasticity. Third, instead of putting the applications at the end of the chapter (as in the textbook), this PowerPoint includes one of them immediately after the section on price elasticity of dema


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