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ANNUAL REPORT MOST IMMEDIATE No. 5/2/2013-CDN Government of India Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Coordination Section) Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi-110011. October, 2013. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Annual Report of the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises for the year 2013-14 - regarding. The Annual Report for the year 2013-14 in respect of Ministry of MSME is to be placed before the Parliament prior to the commencement of discussions on Demands for Grants of the Ministry. It is, therefore, essential that all activities leading to the publication of the report are completed strictly within a prescribed time limit. Accordingly, the compilation of material for inclusion in the Report is now being undertaken. 2. The general instructions on the contents of the Annual Report are at Annexure-I. 3. With a view to ensure focused comprehensive projection of activities of this Ministry, an outline of the draft chapters and their likely contents are indicated at Annexure-II. All Sections/Attached Offices/Organizations/PSUs under the Ministry are requested to kindly take note of the same and furnish material accordingly. In case any subject is not covered in any of the chapters or doubts on any issue, the reference may be made to Coordination Section. If there are new activities which may be relevant for inclusion in the Annual Report, the same may also be reported. The guiding factor will be last year’s Report of the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. The concerned Divisions/ Organizations may suggest modifications/ improvements in the titles/ sub titles etc. but the basic structure/ format of the Annual Report should not be modified, in order to maintain uniformity. 4. While furnishing material for inclusion in the Annual Report for 2013-14, all sections/ attached offices/ organizations/PSUs may kindly ensure that information is not repetitive, the material is focused and proportionate coverage is given to issues handled. The mater


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