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Unit 12 International Rail and Road Transport 教学重点和难点: 1.重点:国际公路货物运输合同公约(CRM)。 2.难点:承运人的免责条款。 一、CMR 国际公路货物运输合同公约 (考试重点) ? 1-1 课文:Rail transport plays more or less the same role as road transport in the domestic economy of a country. 注释:rail transport: 铁路运输 more or less: 或多或少 play (a) role: 扮演角色 the same as: 与...相同 road transport: 公路运输 domestic: 本国的,国内的,对内的 economy: 经济,经济制度 2-2 课文:Rail transport and road transport are often complementary, with rail transport undertaking the long haul and road transport undertaking the local collection and distribution. Freight forwarders should be able to organize the carriage of goods by road and rail efficiently. 注释:complementary: 互相补足的,补充的,补足的 undertake: 承担,担任 long haul: 长途运输(haul: 拖拉,拖运)local collection and distribution: 本地的集散(collection: 收集,采集,聚集? distribution: 分配,分发,散布)be able to: 能够,有能力(做)... ?organize: 组织,筹备 carriage of goods: 货物的运输 efficiently: 有效率地,有效地 2-3 课文:In the contract of carriage of goods by road, the rights, duties and responsibilities of the road carrier may be discussed under Convention de Merchandises Par Routes (CMR) and the national law. 注释:contract: 合同 right: 权利 duty: 义务 responsibility: 责任 discuss: 讨论,论述 Convention de Merchandises Par Routes: 国际公路货物运输合同公约(简称“CMR”) national law: 国内立法(national: 国内的) 课文意思:在公路运输合同中,公路承运人的权利义务和责任在国际公路货物运输合同公约和国内立法中有详细论述。 2-4 课文:The CMR convention is the convention on contract for international carriage of goods by road which was adopted in 1956 and which generally governs international transport of goods by road. (国际公路货物运输合同公约成立的时间和作用,了解一下) 注释:convention: 公约,协定 international: 国际的 adopt: 采用,采纳,正式通过 generally: 一般,通常 govern: 约束,控制,支配,治理,管理 课文意思:CMR公约是指国际公路货物运输合同公约。该公约于1956年被采纳,并且通常用来调整国际公路货物运输 2-5 课文:The CMR convention has been ratified only by countries in Europe and road transport in the countries outside Europe is to a great extent governed by national laws and ordinances which vary from country to country. 注释:ratify: 批准,认可 Europe: 欧洲 outside: 外部的,在...以外的 to a great extent: 很大程


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