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Key components of a FLS Fracture case-finding Fracture risk assessment Implementation of fracture secondary prevention QIPP: Quality, Innovation, Productivity, Prevention Fracture Liaison Services deliver innovative, preventative care that will improve quality and reduce costs through a reduction in unscheduled emergency admissions. FLS addresses all elements of the QIPP agenda and the overarching objective of the NHS Outcomes Framework. RCP-CEEU national organisational audit 2009 Recommendations The Department of Health should review how it can best support these developments by: Provision of advice on commissioning Strengthening incentives Provision of useful metrics for falls prevention, fractures and osteoporosis treatments FLS support this FLS message The DH prevention package – DHs response to the need for commissioning guidance. Not mandatory but aligns to NICE Still on the site, still being referred to osteoporosis is in the vocabulary of current leaders Context of patient experience Now focussing on the professionals and policy makers fracture leads to increased fracture risk Appropriate treatment = reduced risk evidence in 2 major studies. Hip fractures could have been prevented? cost, type of fractures Can we reverse this The evolution of the Glasgow FLS audit has found reduction 7.3% combining FLS and falls measures. In England hip fracture rates continue to rise – by 17%. Consideration given to whether other factors could have influenced this outcome. Looking at demographic information to test whether information is robust. Health economic analysis – modelled over 8 year of data. Highly cost effective and cost saving. Multiply this up by populations and the savings are more significant – for a population of 9000 = loads! QALY reductions Modelling based on NICE for compliance etc. More sophisticated modelling than DH cost effectiveness which was quite simplistic. Very robust. Though not dissimilar output. NET financial gain. Nurse deliv


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