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Nina arrived in New York in 1947 – a slight girl whose tragic dark eyes held the only hint of the heartbreak she had been through. She set about learning to speaking English and took intensive ballet lessons to retrain her still-frail body . She applied for a position in the corps de ballet of the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo in 1948 , and was accepted . She worked hard , determined to rise to the top . Four years later , she had made the grade –she was the top-ranking ballerina with the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo. Translation The bitter war had brought Nina heartbreak and had driven her to the verge of physical co-llapse , But in spite of this , she says today , ” Always in life , I have luck –I really have luck .” She insists that it was luck that brought her two of her greatest roles . The first was Swanilda in Coppelia . Nina danced that role on three days notice when the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo was in Chicago. Replacing Danilova, who was ill, she danced so well that she got rave notices from the Chicago critics. Translation It was luck again , according to Nina , that brought her the role in Mute Wife for which she is best known. The leading ballerina had an argument with the choreographer and walked out . Nina stepped in. Translation She has won a leading role in almost every ballet of the Ballet Russe. Still dri-ven by ambition , she is so dedicated to her profession that nothing else matters to her . Nina Novak has taken for her creed the words of her teacher of long ago : “ If people tell you that you cannot dance , do not believe them , for you can. But if they say that you are wonderful , do not believe them either , for you must al-ways improve .” Translation coax [k?uks] 1.哄, 用好话劝说vt. She coaxed her son into going to school. 她哄儿子上学。 2.巧言骗取 He coaxed extra money from his father. 他用甜言蜜语骗他父亲额外给他钱。 Back decree [dikri:] 1.命令, 法令, 政令,判决n. They had to obey the decre


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