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Picking the right font for your email,presentation,or friendly notice stuck on the office wall can be head-aching。 在发电子邮件,做演讲,甚至在写个贴在办公室墙上的友情小提醒时,都需要选择一种字体。如何选择恰当的字体成了让人头疼的事情。 Fonts come in all shapes and sizes and colours. But that doesnt mean youre allowed to go mad and use just ANY font though: these ones are banned。 字体形状千差万别,大小不一,颜色各异。但这不意味着你可以随心所欲,选择使用任何字体:以下几种字体就不建议使用。 Step 1: Arial Arials been around so long, now, that its comforting and familiar in the same way that makes middle-aged men trade in their wives for a younger, sexier model. Arial is therefore the pixel equivalent of a frumpy, disappointing housewife Arial已经陪伴我们太久了。如今,在使用这个字体时,人们常会顺理成章地联想到这个场景:一名中年男子抛弃了他的妻子,换了位更年轻,更性感的模特作伴。因此,Arial作为一种字体,与衣着邋遢的、心灰意冷的弃妇有异曲同工之妙。 Step 2: Times New Roman Times New Roman is rarely appropriate in a futuristic web2.0-enabled society. Its clumsy, and has weird ugly sharp twisty bits coming off each of the letters. Pick something properly classy like Verdana or Calibri, and let Times die。 在web2.0风靡的时代,Times New Roman这种字体已经不大适合用了。这种字体显得有些粗陋,每个字母都有很锐利的扭曲,显得怪怪的,很难看。选用一些漂亮的字体吧,比如Verdana or Calibri,让Times回家吃饭吧! Step 3: Papyrus Papyrus makes everything you type look like it was written in Ancient Greece!, albeit by a ROBOT FROM THE FUTURE。 每个你用Payrus键入的字看起来都像古希腊语-尽管像是由一个“未来机器人”写下来的。 If youre using it, why not go whole hog and flip the colour to green and write “Save the trees! Please dont print this e-mail unless you really need to.。.” in your email signature like any of your emails are worth printing off。 如果你在使用这个字体,那一不做二不休,干脆字体颜色选成绿色,然后在你的e-mail下方签 名中写“Save the trees! Please dont print this e-mail unless you really need to.。.”(爱护树木,人人有责!除非确实需要,否则请勿打印此邮件。),这样一来,好像你的每封邮件都具有打印价值了一样。 Step 4: Comic Sans The granddaddy of all unusable fonts. Initially intended to be a quick comic book substitute, Comic Sans quickly found itself overused to the point of eye-bleeding saturation, and is now rarely seen outside the realm of ignorant office notes。 在不能使用的字体中,这是爷字辈的人物。最初,人们设计Comic Sans字体,


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