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One for each outlet – total 6 One for each outlet – total 6 One for each outlet – total 6 One for each outlet – total 6 One for each outlet – total 6 One for each outlet – total 6 One for each outlet – total 6 One for each outlet – total 6 One for each outlet – total 6 One for each outlet – total 6 One for each outlet – total 6 One for each outlet – total 6 安溪铁观音 产于福建省安溪县,茶条卷曲,壮结,沉重,呈青蒂绿腹晴蜓头状。色泽鲜润,砂绿显,红点明,叶表带白霜。据“青水岩志”载:“清水高峰,出云吐雾,寺僧植茶,饱山岗之气,沐日月之精,得烟霞之霭,食之能疗百病。 An Xi Tie Guan Yin Grown in the An Xi County of Fujian Province. This curly plumb leaf looks like a dragonfly. The color of the white downy leaf looks fresh and bright. It is recorded in a book named Water and Mountain Description In Qing Dynasty. This high mountain area is surrounded by clear rivers at the bottom and by clouds at the top. The tea, planted by the monks, absorbs the essence from the mountain, the sun and moon. This good condition of the tea is contributed to the fact that the tea leaf can be used to cure any kinds of disease.” 普洱茶 产于云南省普洱县,外形条索粗壮肥大,色泽乌润或褐红色,滋味醇厚回甘,具有独特的陈香味。且助消化,暖胃,醒酒,解毒之功效。 Pu Er Cha Grown in the Pu Er Country in Yun Nan Province. The tea leaf is large and fleshy with colors of dark or brown red. It has a specil mellow taste. It is good for digeston, warming the stomach, and dispelling alcohol. 乌龙茶 属半发酵茶,介于不发酵茶与全发酵茶之间的一种茶,色泽青褐,也称为青茶。冲泡后,叶片上有红有绿。典型的乌龙茶,叶片中间呈绿色,素有“绿叶红镶边”之美称。武夷岩茶,大红袍,安溪铁观音最为乌龙茶之风格。 Oolong Tea A Semi-fermented tea. Light brown in color, this type of tea is also referred to as green tea. Once boiled water is poured into the tea, the tea leaves will turn green in color with red edges. Wu Yi Yan Cha, Da Hong Pao and An Xi Tie Guan Yin are the most common varieties of Oolong Tea. 祁门红茶 是我国红茶的珍品,主产安徽省祁门县。条索紧秀,锋条好,色泽乌黑泛灰光,俗称“宝光”:内质香气浓郁高长,似蜜糖香,又蕴藏有兰花香,汤色红艳,滋味醇厚,回味隽永,叶底嫩软红亮。 Qi Men Hong Cha A treasure of the Hong Cha (Red Tea). It is grown in the qin Men County of Anhui Province. The leaf is lean and shining gray in color. The tea leaf is known commonly as “Treasure