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Atom The size of electron Samuel Chao Chung Ting (丁肇中) Question: How to “see” the atoms? Question: The dots that we see in the STM image are the real atoms’ shape, is it right? Do you know any other instrument that can “see” the atoms? The inside of atom Proton and Neutron Large Hadron Collider (LHC,大型强子对撞器) USA Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) The structures of atoms Isotopes (同位素) the number of proton is same the number of neutron is different Exciting the atom->electron transition (电子跃迁) Exciting source: electron, photon, thermal and so on Electron Energy Level PES: Photoemission spectroscopy XPS: core levels UPS: valence levels X-ray gun UV lamp The inside of proton and neutron Quarks and the Strong Force How about the inside of quark??? 27km Energy: 7TeV * * Joseph John Thomson (1856—1940) Won the Nobel prize in 1906. Electron (1897) H. R. Hertz, experiment failed because of the poor vacuum. A. Schuster, experiment succeeded, but thought the result was unbelievable. W. Kaufman, experiment succeeded (1897), better data, but had no bravery to publish the result till 1901. 唐孝威 “您觉得人类在太空中能找到暗物质和反物质吗?” “不知道。” “您觉得您从事的科学实验有什么经济价值吗?” “不知道。” “您能不能谈谈物理学未来20年的发展方向?” “不知道。” Ernest Rutherford (1871—1937) Lord Ernest Rutherford H. Geiger E. Marsden (1909) α-particle scattering experiment (α粒子散射实验) Diameter of atomic nucleus: about 10-14m Diameter of atom:3.2×l0-10m Died on Oct. 19, 1937. He was buried with Newton and Faraday side by side Ernest Rutherford Won the Nobel chemistry prize in 1908 (not for the atom model (1911) !!!!!)   1921年,卢瑟福的助手索迪(Frederick Soddy)获诺贝尔化学奖;   1922年,卢瑟福的学生阿斯顿获诺贝尔化学奖;   1922年,卢瑟福的学生玻尔(Niels Henrik David Bohr, 1885-1962)获诺贝尔物理奖;   1927年,卢瑟福的助手威尔逊(Charles Thomson Rees Wilson, 1869-1959)获诺贝尔物理奖;   1935年,卢瑟福的学生查德威克(James Chadwick, 1891-1974) 获诺贝尔物理奖;   1948年,卢瑟福的助手布莱克特(Baron Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett, 1897?1974)获诺贝尔物理奖;   1951年,卢瑟福的学生科克拉夫特(Sir John Douglas Cockcroft, 1897-1967) 和瓦耳顿(Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton, 1903


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