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内容摘要:中国共产党十八届四中全会提出了关于依法治国的若干问题,作为商品社会中的“信息身份证”,个人信用在整个社会经济发展中起着举足轻重的作用,个人信用制度的完善建立对于依法治国亦有着推进作用。在诚信问题上,目前的中国大多是采取道德说教的方式来使人们诚实守信,但是仅仅通过空洞的道德说教,并不能提高社会的诚信水平。因此我们必须加快建立与信用有关的制度,通过这些制度来使得每个人能够认识到失信的利与弊,做到诚实守信。个人信用制度便是能够很好解决信用问题的制度之一。本篇论文以个人信用的理论问题为出发点,通过阐述与个人信用相关的理论以及信用管理发达国家的实践经验来分析我国个人信用所出现的问题。最后提出建议。 关键词:信用 建立 个人信用 个人信用制度 Abstract:The Communist Party of?China?eighteen?sessions of Fourth Plenary Session proposed?on several issues?of governing the country according to law. As a “information card” in the commercial society, Personal credit?play a decisive role in?the whole social economic development, Perfect personal credit system also has a?good role in promoting of governing the country according to law. On integrity issues,?the current?Chinese?are mostly taken?didactic?way?to make people honest and trustworthy. However,?social practices have proved that?only through the moral sermon,?and can not?improve the level of honesty?Society. Therefore,?we must?speed up the establishment of credit related?system,?through?the?system to?make everyone?can recognize the advantages and disadvantages of?dishonesty,?be honest and trustworthy. Personal credit system?is?able to?solve the question. This paper?according to the theory of?personal credit?as the starting point,?through the elaboration of?related?with personal credit and credit management and practice experience of developed countries to analyze our country individual credit problems. Finally,?based on respect for?the national conditions of our country?and put forward some beneficial Suggestions to our country individual credit system. Key words: credit construct personal credit personal credit system 目 录 引言 3 一.信用概述 3 二.个人信用制度 4 三.个人信用的表现形式 4 (一)个人消费信用 4 (二)个人经营信用 5 四.我国个人信用的现状 5 (一)我国的个人征信正处于建设阶段 5 (二)个人资信评估工作正在逐步开展 6 五.我国个人信用制度存在的问题 6 (一)我国信用行业的市场化程度很低 6 (二)个人信用评估缺乏统一标准 7 (三)信用数据的市场开放度低,缺乏个人信息的正常获取和检索途径 8 (四)国家信用法律体系不完备,缺乏有效的失信惩罚机制 8 六.发达国家个人信用制度的经验及对中国的启示 9 (一)发达国家信用管理体系模式 9 (二)发达国家个人信用制度的运作机制 9 (三)发达国家个人信用制度建设对


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