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Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic1 What a nice coat! Section B Words learning and using: It’s a sweater. It’s a woolen sweater. It is made of wool. 羊毛 由……制成 It’s a jacket. It’s a leather jacket. It’s made of leather. 皮制的,皮革 It’s a windbreaker. It’s made of natural materials. It has two big pockets. I like it very much. I wear Size M. What size would you like? 你穿多大号的? Size S/M/L. (小号/中号/大号。) 风衣 自然的原料 口袋 尺寸,大小 Check the words: Will you please put your o______ on? It’s too cold. The bed is _______ _______ wood. Maria wants to buy a l_______ jacket. The kind man took some money out from one of his p_______ and give it to a beggar(乞丐). The pants are made of _______ (nature) materials. My uncle is the boss of ________ (cloth) store. That ___________ (wool) sweater is mine. overcoat made of eather ockets naturel clothing woolen 1.What does Jane think of the cotton pants? She thinks they look very nice. 2.What size would Michael like to take? Size M. 1a listen, read and say 1a listen, read and say (In a clothing store) Jane: Maria, look! Kangkang and Michael are over there. Maria: Oh, everyone is preparing for our fashion show. Jane: Hi, Kangkang. What would you like to buy? Kangkang: I’d like this T-shirt and the cotton pants with two big pockets. What do you think of them? Jane: They look very nice. What about you, Michael? Michael: I want to buy a windbreaker so that I will look more handsome. Maria: What size would you like to take? Michael: Size M. How about the blue one? It’s made of natural materials. Jane Maria: Perfect! Kangkang: It’s such a cool windbreaker that you should buy it immediately. What do you want, Jane? Jane: I want a p


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